Full Parish Council Meeting – Sept 2018
Wheaton Aston Village Hall.
You are here by summoned to attend a meeting of Lapley, Stretton and Wheaton Aston Parish Council, which will be held on Thursday 6th September 2018 at 7.30pm Wheaton Aston Village Hall.
The Council, members of the public and the press may record/film/photograph or broadcast this meeting when the public and the press are not lawfully excluded. Any member of the public who attends a meeting and objects to being filmed should advise the Parish Council Manager (in advance) who will instruct that they are not included in the filming.
In order to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, all persons attending this meeting are hereby notified that this meeting will be tape-recorded by the Parish Council. The purpose of taping is that recordings act as an aide-memoire to assist the Parish Council Clerk in the compilation of minutes.
Please ensure that all mobile phones are switched to silent during the Parish Council meeting.
Public Forum
- Democratic thirty minute period/public discussion time: From 7.30pm residents are invited to give their views to the Parish Council on items on this agenda or raise issues for future consideration at the discretion of the Chairman. Members of the public may not take part in the Parish Council meeting itself. (standing order 3 f)
No member of the public may speak for more than five minutes (standing order 3g)
- Apologies -decision
To receive and accept apologies.
- Vice-Chairman election -decision
- Declarations of interest and dispensations -information
To receive declarations of interest and consider dispensation requests & Code of Conduct. –
The only way in which a Councillor can speak about business in which they have an interest is if they have been granted a dispensation by their council. A request for a dispensation has to be made in writing to the Clerk (in advance of the meeting) and to be granted by decision of the Council.
- Signing of the minutes -decision
To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of 6th July 2018
- Clerks report -information
To receive report from the Parish Clerk
- Policing matters -information
To receive the report from the County Council
- District report -information
To receive the report from the District Council. –decision
- County report . –information
To receive the report from the County Council
- Financial matters -decision
To consider financial matters including:
- To receive the Financial Comparison to 31st August 2018
- To receive the Financial Summary to 31st August 2018
- To approve the expenditure for July and August 2018
- To note payments/decisions made under delegated powers
- Planning recommendations -decision
To consider planning matters including
- planning application 18/00392/REM 18/00167/FUL
- Applications received after papers have been issued
- List of planning decisions received since last meeting
- Enforcement cases-
- To note responses sent under delegated powers-18/00392/Rem- comments sent to advise no objections, however the Pc would like the 30mph boundary moving further along Ivetesy Road
80.Trustee request -decision
To consider the request from Brewood Voluntary Car Charity
- Edge –decision
To consider the cost of renewal £482.64 OR £333.60 ex planning
82.Birkenshaw Lane -decision
- To receive an update
- To consider the request to circulate information leaflets
- Gailey freight hub up date -information/decision
- To receive and update
- To consider the request to distribute information
84.World War Commemoration
To consider the purchase of a ‘shadow soldier’ £750.00 https://shop.therebutnotthere.org.uk/collections/all-products/products/lifesizetommy
- Litter -information
86.Policies -decision
To review and adopt the following policies/risk assessments:
- Governance Framework (to be reviewed annually)
- Standing Orders (to be reviewed at the Annual meeting)
- Litter picker risk assessment (to be reviewed annually)
- Christmas Switch on event risk assessment (to be reviewed annually)
(The following are to be reviewed every two years )
- Equal Opportunities
- Dignity at Work/bullying/Harassment
- Grievance Procedure
- Open Spaces Policy
- Lone Working Policy
- Health and Safety
- Filming, Video, Photography and Audio recording policy
- Media Policy
- Disciplinary
- Pension Policy Statements
- Working group reports: -decision
- Christmas Lights
- HR
- Maintenance/forward planning and finance
- Lapley Green
- To receive and update
- To consider an application to register the land as a village green https://www.gov.uk/guidance/town-and-village-greens-how-to-register#applying-to-register-land-as-a-town-or-village-green
- Consider the removal of a BT column, the cost to assess is £297
- Training Courses
To confirm attendance for the following courses/events:
11.9.18 Local Councillor training course
8.11.18 VAT training Course SPCA
28.9.18 Parish Summit
- Insurance renewal
To consider the renewal with Inspire (Came and Co) for £1699.66 for one year or £1617.18 per year on a three year LTA
- Items for future
Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making.
- Date of next meeting: Thursday 6th September 2018 at 7.30pm at Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall
In pursuance of the powers contained in section 1 of the above act, I move that the press and public be now
excluded from the meeting on the grounds that the business about to be transacted is of a confidential nature
and that publicity will be prejudicial to the public interest
92. HMRC update
93.Banking signatures
Parish Council Clerk Mrs A Watson, 30 January 2020
Crime and Disorder Implications
Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 places a duty on local authorities to consider the crime and disorder implications when exercising its functions with due regard to the likely effect of the exercise of those functions and to do all that is reasonably can to prevent crime and disorder in its area. Where relevant any decisions made at the Parish Council meeting have taken this duty of Care into consideration.
Minutes of the Meeting of Lapley, Stretton & Wheaton Aston Parish Council held on Thursday 6th September 2018 at Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall
In Attendance:
Cllr T Noblett Wheaton Aston (Chairman)
Cllr M Griffiths Lapley (Vice-Chairman)
Cllr Mrs B Cox Wheaton Aston
Cllr Sue Whittingham Wheaton Aston
Cllr M Fox Lapley
Cllr A Anderson Stretton
Cllr P Elson Wheaton Aston
Cllr P Timson Wheaton Aston
Also in Attendance:
Mrs A Watson Parish Clerk
Cllr R Wright Staffordshire District Council
A member of the press (part of the meeting)
Cllr B Wells Stretton (pre approved)
Cllr B Cox Staffordshire District Counil
Cllr M Sutton Staffordshire County Council
Cllr W Millington Wheaton Aston
Cllr Sharon Whittingham Wheaton Aston
Public forum – No members of the public were present.
Standing orders were imposed at 7:30pm
- To consider apologies
Apologies and reasons of absence were accepted from Cllr B Wells, Cllr Sutton, Cllr Millington, Cllr Whittingham and Cllr Cox
- Election of Vice-chairman
Resolved: Cllr Fox act as Vice-chair for the October meeting
- Declaration of Interest/Dispensation
Cllr Fox declared an interest in item 88 Lapley Green, Cllr Fox is to remain present and not comment
- Signing of the minutes
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 6th July 2018 were signed as a true and correct copy.
- Clerks Report
September 2018
Complaint received from Parishioner regarding bramble from Broadholes play park over hanging her garden. Village Orderly has cut them back.
Footpath 7 between Pinfold Lane and Broadholes Lane has been cleared by SCC Rights of Way. Resident who complained about the footpath has confirmed they are very happy with the work that has been done. Thanks passed onto Rights of Way.
Fly Tipping on Marston Field (2 loungers) moved by the Village Orderly to the bin for Street scene to collect.
Queried with BT if pole W11 can be removed from Lapley Green and the service diverted direct to pole W9, this will cost £297 to survey, removal costs are additional.
Structural test completed on columns for use of xmas lighting, SSC have been asked to remove the shrubbery
12.8.17 Reports of vandalism at Broadholes Lane play area, requested that the area is closed at 6pm latest
Reports of a large amount of litter in the field adjacent to Marston field opening , including gas canisters, has been reported and believed to have come from Marston Field. Village Orderly has removed and PCSO’s alerted
Damage to the Marston field entrance , PCSO’s have been asked to increase patrols in the area
Resident has cleaned up a large amount of gas canisters. The police have been informed and requested to patrol Marston Field
Microshade have fully compensated the pc for additional hours for the clerk to recover lost work due to an IT failure
The Audit has been returned without further queries
DEFRA Clean Air strategy 2018 closed 14th August 2018 https://consult.defra.gov.uk/environmental-quality/clean-air-strategy-consultation/
7.8.18 Four Season Landscape
8.8.18 D Palmer Came and Co
14.8.18 Brewood Landscapes and Jack Moody Group
28.8.18 Bloomin’Gardens and Eden Co Lapley Green
28.9.18 Parish Summit
19/20.9.18 A Toplis HMRC work
11.9.18 Local councillor training course
8.17.18 VAT training Course SPCA
15.11.018 Staffs fire and recue conference
Items emailed to councillors
12.7.18 S Dores Lapley Green
12.7.18 SPCA news bulletin
17.7.18 SPCA local councillor training course
19.7.18 SPCA news bulletin
9.8.17 SPCA bulletin
26.8.18 Council roundup SSC
26.8.18 A Aston Grounds Maintenance update
26.8.18 SPCA VAT Course
26.8.18 Staffs Force and Rescue Conference
26.8.18 Planning ref 18/00167/FUL
26.8.18 Mazaars completed Audit
26.8.18 Came and Co Insurance renewal quote
26.8.18 D Gibbson WMI leaflet distribution request
30.8.18 SPCA Newsbulletin
Use of devolved powers
Planning app 18/00392/Rem- comments sent to advise no objections, however the Pc would like the 30mph boundary moving further along Ivetesy Road
Play Inspection co appointed to complete inspections
Senwod appointed to install the fencing at Marston Field, grant has been received (as per email)
Afeb appointed to complete the ‘red’ tree works (as per email)
Decisions issued
18/00235/FUL – Granted Subject to conditions
18/00428/FUL – Granted Subject to conditions
Clerk advised that due to the vandalism incident on 5.9.18 to the new gates at Marston there is a strong possibility that SSC will install CCTV in the area , Council are in support of this.
Resolved to report the issues with gas canisters to Public Health
Resolved to inform local schools and request that the issue is highlight
The Caspian Way road sign has not been repaired. Clerk to chase up
- Policing reports
No report available
Cllr Cox reported that there was an increase in crime during July
Recent incident in Green Hill Lane
Suspicious vans have been noted in the Parish
Noted wood pigeon shooting has increased
- District report
Urged to register for voting,
The recent report in the media about the Gailey Freight Hub suggested that the plans are passed, at this point this is incorrect. The current position is an acknowledgment that the application is reasonable.
Current work being undertaken on budgeting, parishes are urged to submit their precept requests on time.
- County report
No report available
- Financial matters
- Resolved to accept the Financial Comparison to 31st August
- Resolved to accept the Financial Summary to 31st August
- Resolved to approve the expenditure for July and August 2018
- Resolved to a note payments/decisions made under delegated powers (noted on the Clerk report)
- Planning Recommendations:
- a) Planning application 18/00392/REM – comments previously submitted: No objections, however the Pc would like the 30mph boundary moving further along Ivetesy Road.
Cllr Wright urged the PC to request the Section 106 money is to be used within the Parish, clerk to enquire with planning.
Planning application 18/00167/FUL- Resolved : The height is excessive and should be reduced, it is not in keeping with surrounding properties
Query raised regarding developments along the Canal Side. Councillor to forward the Clerk more details and Clerk will raise the issue with SSC planning department
- b) Planning application received after papers issued – None
- c) List of planning decisions received since the last meeting: Shown in the Clerks report (if any issued)
- d) Enforcement cases: Shown in the Clerks report (if any issued)
- e) Delegated responses sent: 18/00392/Rem- No objections, however the Pc would like the 30mph boundary moving further along Ivetesy Road
- Trustee Request
Brewood Voluntary Car Scheme who service the Parish have requested trustees to sit on the board, resolved to advertise for drivers in the next addition of News and Views, Cllr Elson has volunteered to sit as a trustee.
- Edge
Resolved to continue the contract with Edge for accounting software for a further five years at a cost of £278.00. The planning aspect is to be removed.
82.Birkenshaw Lane
No new information to report
Clerk to contact Cllr Sutton for an update
83.Gailey Freight Hub update
Cllr Anderson advised the Council that the group are working on a case to be considered as an interested party, environment . health , highways railways will all form the report. A meeting is due 10.9.18 and an update will follow
As a resident Cllr Anderson has contacted the Rivers and Canal Trust as there are concerns about the damage being caused to drains from lorries and the impact that this will have on Stretton Aqueduct.
The A5 has been leafleted for feedback on traffic. This has resulted in interesting results. The feedback has been sent to SCC, as a response to this a speed and volume survey is going to be carried out
SSC are objecting to the plans
A request has been received inviting the Parish Council to circulate information leaflets on the proposals and relevant contact details. Information will be supplied by the action group (Stop the Gailey Freight Hub) and all parish councils in the collective group (Collective group of Parish Councils against the WMI) have received the request. Resolved to print and circulate leaflets to the parish
84.World War One Commemoration
Resolved to purchase a ‘Shadow Soldier’ for £750.00 from www.therebutnotthere.org.uk. Councillor s are to consider the placement for the next meeting. Funding is to be sourced from the reduction in insurance costs
There as been an increase of litter on Marston Field and surrounding areas (including the adjacent farm land) PCSO’s have been advised and will be increasing patrols. Clerk advised that a request for a SSC CCTV camera has been submitted to cover the area. There has also been increasing vandalism
Request for a litter bin to be situated between the Village Hall and Hartley Arms, Clerk to request that SSC consider
- Policies
Resolved to accept the reviewed polices
- Governance Framework (to be reviewed annually)
- Standing Orders (to be reviewed at the Annual meeting)
- Litter picker risk assessment (to be reviewed annually)
- Christmas Switch on event risk assessment (to be reviewed annually)
(The following are to be reviewed every two years )
- Equal Opportunities
- Dignity at Work/bullying/Harassment
- Grievance Procedure
- Open Spaces Policy
- Lone Working Policy
- Health and Safety
- Filming, Video, Photography and Audio recording policy
- Media Policy
- Disciplinary
- Pension Policy Statements
- Working group reports
- Christmas Lights 18th September 7pm
- HR – to be booked
- Maintenance 19th September at 10am Village Hall
88. Lapley Green
Three companies have viewed the plans and will be submitting a tender, Bloomin’ Gardens. The Eden Company and Four Seasons. All tenders are due to be received mid September and presented to Council following
Resolved: to apply to register the land as a village green
Clerk has contacted BT to consider the removal of a column that isn’t in use. BT have advised that they will charge £297 to assess. Resolved to request the column is assed for removal
89.Training Courses
Resolved: Cllr Noblett, Cllr Millington , Cllr Cox and Clerk to attend
90.Insurance Renewal
Resolved to renew the insurance with Came and Co for £1617.18 per year in a three year LTA
(list of accounts received to date enclosed)
91. Items for future
Each councillor may use this opportunity to report on matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making.
- Date of next meeting: 4th October 2018 at 7.30pm at Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall
Meeting suspended 9.01 pm
Reconvened at 9.02pm
In pursuance of the powers contained in section 1 of the above act I move that
The Press and public be now excluded from the meeting on the grounds that
the business about to be transacted is of a confidential nature and that
publicity will be prejudicial to the interest of the public.
An update was given
Banking signatures were confirmed as A Watson, K Daker, B Cox, P Elson and T Noblett
Meeting closed at 9.06 pm
Signed………………………………………….. Chairman……………………….
Council Attendance
X – Present
Ap – Apologies
A – Absent
Date | Wheaton Aston | Stretton | Lapley | Total Attendance | ||||||||
BJC | Sue W | PE | WM | TN | PT | Sharron
W |
AA | BW | MF | MG | ||
3/5/18 | X | Ap | Ap | X | X | X | X | Ap | Ap | X | 6/10 | |
7/6/18 | Ap | X | X | X | X | X | X | Ap | Ap | X | 7/10 | |
5/7/18 | X | X | Ap | X | X | Ap | Ap | Ap | Ap | X | X | 6/11 |
6/9/18 | X | X | X | Ap | X | X | Ap | X | Ap | X | X | 8/11 |
4/10/18 | ||||||||||||
1/11/18 | ||||||||||||
6/12/18 | ||||||||||||
10/1/19 | ||||||||||||
7/2/19 | ||||||||||||
7/3/19 | ||||||||||||
4/4/19 |
Lapley, Stretton & Wheaton Aston Parish Council
Expenditure transactions – payments approval list Start of year 01/04/18
Tns Ref Gross Heading Date Details
120 fp75094730 £80.86 18/09/18 Mrs Amy Watson – Expenses
121 fp43602730 £18.26 18/09/18 Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation – stationery
122 fp19767005 £7.43 18/09/18 Mrs Karen Daker – Expenses – July
123 fp12690163 £7.88 18/09/18 Mrs Karen Daker – Expenses – Sept
124 fp10715425 £1,617.18 18/09/18 Came & Company – Insurance 2018-2019
125 fp37458424 £333.60 18/09/18 Edge IT Systems Ltd – Annual Fee 2018-2019
126 fp37489101 £1.20 18/09/18 Mrs. Alexa Davies – Expenses
127 fr14940008 £2,400.00 18/09/18 Alan Cadman – Planting & watering of baskets, tubs & planters
128 fp13109211 £88.68 18/09/18 Microshade Business Consultants Ltd – monthly
129 fp36625726 £260.00 18/09/18 South Staffordshire District Council – Monthly Office Rent
130 fp87795797 £154.76 18/09/18 South Staffordshire District Council – Printing of Newsletter
131 fp89106433 £480.00 18/09/18 Mazars LLP – External Audit 2017-2018
132 fp67609857 £1,451.40 18/09/18 Bloomin Gardens & Landscapes Ltd – Monthy Invoice
133 fp95222713 £342.62 18/09/18 Ricoh U K Limited – May18 to Jul18 Charges
137 fp75460957 £417.21 18/09/18 HMRC – Sept Tax
140 fp80724415 £526.09 18/09/18 Staffordshire County Council Superannuation Fund
142 DD180918e £56.33 18/09/18 EE – Monthly Mobile Charges – Sept
143 DD140918 £6.95 18/09/18 Mainstream Digital Ltd. – Monthly Charges – Sept
144 fxcard2018 £3.96 18/09/18 FairFx Pre Paid Card – Thank you card
145 £776.30 19/09/18 There But Not There.Org.Uk – tommy soldier
Plus Confidential Staff Salaries