Parish council meeting – December 2018
In Attendance:
Cllr T Noblett, Wheaton Aston (Chairman)
Cllr W Millington, Wheaton Aston
Cllr. M. Griffiths, Lapley
Cllr P Elson, Wheaton Aston
Cllr Mrs B Cox, Wheaton Aston
Cllr M Fox, Lapley
Cllr P Timson, Wheaton Aston
Also in Attendance:
Mrs A Watson, Parish Clerk
Member of the press
2 representatives of the Goodlife Team SSC (for the Pubic forum Session)
Cllr M Sutton, Staffordshire County Council
Cllr B Cox, South Staffordshire Council
Cllr A Anderson, Stretton
Cllr Sue Whittingham, Wheaton Aston
Cllr R Wright, South Staffordshire Council
Cllr B Wells, Stretton
Cllr S Whittingham, Wheaton Aston
Public Forum
Chairman welcomed representatives of the Good Life Energy Team from SSC. The team presented to the PC about how the team could save residents money on household bills.
Councillors were encouraged to contact the team for further assistance and share the information with the public.
67% of the population are in ‘out of contract’ rates which is the most expensive rate to be on.
In South Staffs the number of households is high who are on this rate.
The team will be holding a drop in centre where residents can call in and obtain advice and guidance on Thursdays at SSC offices in Codsall, to arrange an appointment call 03333058671
PC to organise a drop in session in Wheaton Aston in the near future. Home visits can be arranged directly with the team.
Standing Orders were imposed 7.45pm
- To consider apologies
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Mr B Cox, Cllr Wright, Cllr Sue Whittingham, Cllr S
Whittingham, Cllr Wells, and Cllr Anderson
140.Vice Chairman Election
Resolved Cllr Fox is to act as Vice Chairman for the January meeting, proposed by Cllr Noblett and seconded by Cllr Millington
- Declaration of Interest/Dispensation
Cllr Fox and Cllr Cox declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 151 Wellbeing Session
- Signing of the minutes
The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council meeting held on 1st November were signed as a true and correct copy.
- Clerks Report
December 2018
Road closure-School Lane Wheaton Aston 6th November
Crime reference FZ854262018 stolen camera at Marston Field
Fly tipping at Longnor Hall Farm reported 14.11.18
14.11.18 sunken trench on Hartley Bridge reported ref 4141568
24.11.18 damage to road sign at Fenton House Lane /Marston Road
New tree planted at Marston Field
Welding work completed on the Kissing gates at Marston Field
Consultations Draft Locality Profile
7.11.18 Welder
9.11.18 SSC Lets Work together
23.11.18 Lets Work together
11.9.18 Local councillor training course
8.11.18 VAT training Course SPCA
9.11.18 SSC Event
12.11.18 Onsite welder
12.11.18 SGS Security systems
13.11.18 HR
13.11.18 Finance
15.11.018 Staffs fire and recue conference
20.11.18 Christmas Lights Working Group
24.1.18. Christmas light switch on
29.11.18 Interim Audit
3.12.18 SPCA AGM 7pm
Items emailed to councillors
1.11.18 SPCA new bulletin
1.11.18 M Bailey concerns over parking
1.11.18 Policy and Partnership
1.11.18 Cllr Sutton, road closure
1.11.18 SPCA news bulletin
8.11.18 SPCA News bulletin
12.11.18 SSC round up
13.11.18 SCC Staffordshire bus pass review
14.11.18 Planning application 18/00919/TREE
14.11.18 Stop the Freight Hub update
15.11.18 Spca news bulletin
20.11.18 Lets work together agenda SSC
20.11.18 S Dores SSC Tree works
29.11.18 SPCA News bulletin
Enforcement –
Use of devolved powers
Play area repairs budget increased by £4800 from general reserves to account for the fencing at Marston Field
Xmas lights budget reduced by £263.18, transferred to Fx card to fund signage for road closures
Increased DPO role budget heading to £500 (£100 from general reserves) to account for the legal/HR advise as agreed 1.11.18
Decisions issued
18/00341/VAR – Approved with conditions
18/00474/FUL – Approved with conditions
Clerk advised that Afeb have considered the large slab for removal at Primrose Play Area and Afeb suggested that it would be more appropriate to cover the slab over. Resolved that this is acceptable, Clerk to inform Came and Co insurers.
- Police Report
Cllr Cox advised that police are concerned about the crimes around cars, be vigilant.
- District Report
- County Report
Finances: the medium term financial strategy displayed 35mill gap to close, currently on course to achieve this. Budget will be finalised in Feb 2019.
Setting the budget will be a challenging task
More available money for social care.
Query raised, are finances sustainable? Cllr Sutton advised that the financial plan is prepared over a five year period, as revenue grants denied business rate contribution is to increase to balance the expenditure. Reserves need replacing.
There has been an increase in looked after children over the past year
Adult service have seen an increase in pressure
- Financial matters
- a) Resolved to accept the financial budget comparison to 30th November 2018
- b) Resolved to accept the financial summary to 30th November 2018
- c) Resolved to approve the expenditure for November 2018
- d) Resolved to approve the payments noted under delegated powers as noted on the Clerks report
- e) Resolved to approve Cllr Millington as an additional signatory on the Unity Trust Account
- f) Resolved a budget of £111,339 has been set with a precept request of £105,719 being requested from SSC. There has been a 2.68% increase in the tax base, from 970.62-996.63, which results in a precept request of -0.10 decrease with the average Band D tax paying £106.08 (£106.18 in 2018/19)
Projects this year are to include the purchase and location of defibrillators in all three villages, the completion of the Lapley Green renovation project and the installation of CCTV at Marston Field
- Planning Recommendations: Resolved:
- a) Planning application: 18/00919/TREE: No comment as tree has been removed
- b) Planning application after papers sent: 18/00880/FUL: No objection
18/00981/FUL: No objection
- c) Planning decisions: None received
- d) Enforcement Cases: None received
- e) Delegated responses sent: None sent
149 Working Group reports:
- Christmas Lights: No meeting, one to be held early 2019. The event went well, the Christmas lights have been well received
- HR: Meeting held on 13th November 2018. Clerk and Assistant Clerk’s appraisals have been conducted.
Clerk advised she has completed one module on CILCA and intends to finish the second module ahead of the New Year.
Pay increments from April 2019 were confirmed ( scp 6 5.86%, scp 8 6.58% scp 20 2.61%, scp 31 1.98%)
Village orderly will resume litter picking duties
- Resolved to increase Clerks payscale to SCP 30 and back date from 3rd October 2018, this is to represent the Clerks increase in duties and management
- Forward Planning and Finance meeting held on 13th November 2018
- Resolved to set a precept request of £105719, projects this year are to include the purchase and location of defibrillators in all three villages, the completion of the Lapley Green renovation project and the installation of CCTV at Marston Field. Clerk is to investigate this further- future agenda item for discussion.
Resolved: to use the following predicted funds at end of year to fund the Lapley green renovation
£3150 Salaries
£950 contingency admin
£1548 remaining Lapley Tree works
£850 contingency repairs
£286 contingency play area repairs
£25 village improvements contingency
Total £6809 towards Lapley Green
Plus £9994 refund HMRC TOTAL £16803.
Proposed amount for Lapley Green £24000.00 remaining from reserves
Reserves/savings £52000
Projects £4000
Car park £5000
Youth shelter £2000
Skate park £2500
Marston road £2500
Office £1500
War memorial £500
Chain of office £155
Elections £4500
Drainage Marston Field £8000
Christmas £200
Surfaces £600
Birkenshaw Lane Clearance £1000
Defib and Kiosk £300
Reserves total £84755 resolved to place all in the Barclays savings account therefore increase Barclays to £84755
- Maintenance: Resolved to devolve powers to the Clerk to complete the work from the Play Area inspections and incur costs within the budget without further presentation to Council.
- A member of SGS met with the group to discuss CCTV and what would be appropriate for the area. This will form a future agenda item to discuss further.
Resolved to defer to the next agenda
- Wellbeing Session
Resolved: to contact the PCC to enquire if the PC are able to hire the Church to facilitate a walking group (as part of a health initiative) for 6 hours per month, 2 hours per month for a bereavement service and two hours per month for a ‘lifestyle drop in clinic’ which will provide a platform for outside agencies to engage with the community. This is an expected cost of £1300 per annum (£25 per week)
To form a future agenda item when appropriate.
- Lapley Green Update
Clerk advised that it has been difficult to obtain quotes for the work. Two have been received and a third has been returned for part of the work. SSC are striving to obtain a quote and requested an extension to do this.
Resolved to extend until 10th January, if not responses are received then the PC will consider separating the work.
Resolved: extension granted
Clerk has contacted Dittons Services additionally.
153.Items for future consideration
Birkenshaw Lane
Lapley Green
- Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be Thursday 17th January 2019 at 7.30pm, Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall.
Meeting closed 8.55pm