What LSWA PC has achieved
Since May 2019 LSWA PC has achieved and implemented the following:
- Renovated Lapley Green.
- Began the process to add Lapley Green to the Register of Village Greens, including considering what activities should and should not be permitted. A meeting with the legal team at SCC has been postponed due to Covid-19 and will highlight what can/can’t be permitted so this can be fed back to residents for a fully informed decision.
- Renovated the phone box at Lapley Green and turned it in to a defibrillator house
- Installed six defibrillators in the parish and working with St Marys First school to install a seventh.
- Created a great working partnership with the Community First Responders.
- Working closely with St Marys First School and the Church to enable the annual Christmas Event.
- Strengthened links with St Marys First School and already engaging with how we can make a virtual Christmas event work so that the children don’t miss out this year.
- Working hard to find alternative ways to hold the Christmas
- Christmas event this year and support all of the community groups to still raise funds with online raffles and tombola.
- Installed a commemorative VE75 bench at Lapley Green, two more or on order to replace benches at Stretton and Marston Field.
- Replaced the play sand and bark at Marston Field.
- Replaced wooden framing on the play equipment bases.
- Carried out any repairs required at the play areas.
- Completed a two-year schedule of tree works highlighted in the latest survey and are committed to another survey being carried out this year. We are paying particular attention to the wonderful Oak at Primrose and intend to keep it as healthy as we can for as long as we can.
- Held regular PC/PCSO surgeries before the full PC meeting for people to attend and raise any concerns. These haven’t been well attended but served a great purpose when we needed a forum to work with the WASP group around the Christmas period.
- We secured a reduce cost for Ring door bells, there wasn’t enough of a demand so we applied for Smart Water instead
- Rolled out Smart Water in the parish and installed signage to advise.
- Responded to the Covid-19 crisis effectively and implemented any polices required swiftly to enable the continuation of work and meetings.
- Due to construct a ‘board walk’ at Marston Field copse to make it more accessible
- Applied under paragraph 3(2) of Schedule 14 to the Secretary of State for a direction requiring the authority to determine the application to add Birkenshaw Lane to the Definitive Map.
- Lobbied issues with the A5.
- Arranged for a new MPAN to be added for the CCTV and defibrillator at Lapley.
- In the process of creating a map of walks of the parish to be installed at the green in Wheaton Aston after a request to help provide more dog walks.
- Installed SID posts.
- Brought a moveable SID (speed indicator device)
- Developed a close working relationship with the local Community Speedwatch Team.
- Had work used as an example by SSC for other parishes to use as guidance.
- Implemented a climate and biodiversity policy (possibly we are the first PC locally to do this) We have considered what we can do as a PC.
- Installed bird and bug boxes at the play areas – some of which were vandalised within days.
- Purchased tablets for the councillors to use so we don’t have a need to print meeting papers for meetings and information for councillors, to aid our climate change policy.
- Began (and hope to continue) writing articles for the News and Views on how residents can make small changes with big impacts on climate change.
- Ensured that the PC business can continue in the long term absence due to sickness absence of the Clerk and Assistant Clerk
- Liaised with an SCC and part funded work to be carried out along the highway outside Lapley Cemetery to make it more accessible.
- Assisted Support Staffordshire with volunteer groups.
- Agreed to part fund and aid Support Staffordshire to hold a thank you celebration for the volunteers in the parish.
- Made donations to voluntary groups such as Community First Responders, local car scheme, Monday lunch club at the village hall.
- Agreed to support SCC in a new project to support volunteers by acting as a mutual contact point for both parties.
- Taken over the maintenance of the WA village green and the land at Primrose Close owned by SSC.
- Made a planter for Stretton and replaced broken ones in Lapley.
- Installed signs so people are aware we have defibrillators in the parish.
- Secured funding to reduce the cost of the smart water for parishioners.
- Installed new notice boards at Lapley and Stretton, we hope to have a new one for Wheaton Aston by the end of the year.
- Assisted the police with ASB issues.
- Installed new estate fencing at Marston field.
- Heard concerns that people felt worried to use the dog walk due to ASB.
- Completed a DPIA and installed CCTV at Marston field which has reduced ASB.
- Chased and reported numerous highways issues to Staffordshire County Council.
- Liaised with St Mary’s church to hire the church to offer wellbeing sessions.
- Welcomed and supported training of 5 new councillors.
- Worked closely with the church and school to hold a community Christmas event
- We are considering the future of Broadholes Lane as the area is under used.
- In the process of developing a new website to meet accessibility requirements.
- Implemented numerous policies to improve services.
- Currently investigating a request for a MUGA. A discussion with St Marys School has been opened about using facilities on their site.
- Working with St Marys School and other local business and the Woodland Trust to plant a tree for every child at St Marys on school grounds.