Summer Reading Challenge from Staffordshire Libraries
South Staffordshire Newsletter article – July 2024
Calling all 4–11-year-olds, parents, carers, and teachers!
Get ready for Summer Reading Challenge 2024, ‘Marvellous Makers’, arriving at your local Staffordshire library this Summer on 6th July!
Developed in partnership with Create, a leading charity bringing the creative arts to those who need it most, this year’s Challenge aims to fire up children’s imaginations and unleash storytelling and creativity through the power of reading.
Children aged 4-11 are invited to set a reading goal and collect rewards for their reading.
It’s FREE to take part, and last year 75% of children taking part improved their reading skills over the holidays.
Why should my child sign up?
• They will be better prepared to return to school in the autumn.
• The Challenge supports the move into a new year group.
• Becoming more independent in their reading boosts children’s confidence and self-esteem.
• The library provides free access to books and fun family activities all through the summer.
• Library staff are on hand to offer support and book recommendations.
• Your child will be part of a UK-wide programme developed by The Reading Agency and delivered in partnership with the public library network.
Are you excited to join the ‘Marvellous Makers’ this summer?
Keep an eye on our social media and ask your local library team for more information.
Find out more at or pop along to your local library on Saturday 6th July to sign the kids up!
In addition, we will also be offering the Mini-Challenge for pre-school aged children from our libraries. The Mini Challenge is a bite sized version of the Summer Reading Challenge for our youngest readers. Children collect stickers on a special collector card for the books they borrow and read.
Discover our Summer events and much more here:
Codsall Library Walk
Join us for a healthy 8 mile walk from Perton Library & discover the Great Outdoors.
Tuesday 16th July
10:00am departure (please arrive for 9:45am)
£2 per person (book early as places are limited)
Bring a packed lunch and wear sensible footwear and clothing for the weather conditions.
Please contact Codsall Library on 01902 506060 for further details or to book.
Aged 14 to 18?
Have you considered volunteering with Staffordshire Libraries?
We have opportunities available during this year’s Summer Reading Challenge.
This role is for you if you’re:
• Seeking to develop your confidence, communication or social skills
• Would like to demonstrate your skills and abilities to future employers, universities, or colleges
• Are taking part in Duke of Edinburgh Awards, School Enrichment Programmes, Arts Award or similar
• Are interested in books and reading especially children’s books
• Would like to make new friends
• Cheerful, friendly, patient and non-judgemental, flexible and willing to take direction
• Are punctual, reliable and well-presented
• Are interested in supporting your local community
• Would like to gain volunteering experience
Ask at your local library or complete an online form today here:…/volunteer/About.aspx
Recycle at Your Library
Staffordshire Libraries in South Staffordshire are teaming up with Waste Savvy Staffs to expand a bra recycling scheme that also helps to support the ‘Against Breast Cancer’ Charity.
Bra recycling banks are onsite at Codsall, Perton, Wombourne Library and Kinver Community Library and we hope to roll out this offer elsewhere as well.
You can also find ink cartridge recycling points (and battery boxes soon) at Codsall, Perton and Wombourne to dispose of those unwanted ink cartridges.
To find out more contact your local library or search for Waste Savvy Staffs on Facebook.
Perton Library Astronomy Club
Pop along to our next meeting for informal chat, presentations and observing if the skies are clear. Bring your own telescope or binoculars if you have them and get help in making the most of them.
Beginners welcome!
Thursday 18th July and 15th August 7:00pm-9:00pm (usually every third Thursday of the Month)
Contact us for more information on 01902506060 or email: [email protected]
Need advice on Wills and Power of Attorney
Thornes Solicitors will be offering free pop-up advice sessions.
Codsall Library – Every Third Thursday of the month at 10am – 11:30am
Perton Library – Every First Wednesday of the month at 10am – 1130am
Contact Perton Library on 01902 506050 or Codsall Library on 01902 506060 for more information.
IT Buddy available at Wombourne Library
Every Wednesday
1:00pm – 4:00pm
Free-Bookable slots
Please contact Wombourne Library for more information or to book on 01902 506055.