Annual Meeting of the Parish Council – 28th May 2020
The Annual Meeting of Lapley, Stretton and Wheaton Aston Parish Council will be held on Thursday 28th May 2020 at 7.00pm online via Zoom conference calls. This is accessible to the public by contacting the Parish Clerk for the meeting details. Email [email protected] telephone 07495789051.
All attendees will be on mute as they enter the meeting and will be unmuted by the Clerk/assistant Clerk upon raising a hand.
Please arrive in the virtual waiting room at least ten minutes before the start of the meeting in case of any connection issues. Please call the Clerk if you encounter any issues for assistance
The Council, members of the public and the press may record/film/photograph or broadcast this meeting when the public and the press are not lawfully excluded. Any member of the public who attends a meeting and objects to being filmed should advise the Parish Council Manager (in advance) who will instruct that they are not included in the filming.
In order to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, all persons attending this meeting are hereby notified that this meeting will be tape-recorded by the Parish Council. The purpose of taping is that recordings act as an aide-memoire to assist the Parish Council Clerk in the compilation of minutes.
Please ensure that all mobile phones are switched to silent during the Parish Council meeting.
Public Forum
- Democratic thirty minute period/public discussion time: From 7.00pm residents are invited to give their views to the Parish Council on items on this agenda or raise issues for future consideration at the discretion of the Chairman. Members of the public may not take part in the Parish Council meeting itself. (standing order 3 f)
No member of the public may speak for more than five minutes (standing order 3g)
Please ensure that all mobile phones are switched to silent during the Parish Council meeting.
- Adoption of amended Standing Orders -Decision
- Election of Chairman -Decision
- Election of Vice-Chairman -Decision
- To consider apologies -Decision
- Declaration of Interests -Information
- To update the register
- To receive declarations of interest and consider dispensation requests & Code of Conduct
- To consider membership and delegated powers of: -Decision
- Disciplinary and Grievance Panel
- Staff Appeals Panel
- Parish Council Clerk
- To consider membership of working groups: -Decision
- Christmas Lights Working Group
- Forward Planning & Finance Working Group
- Parish Maintenance Working Group
- Planning Working Group
- Disciplinary and Grievance Panel
- Staff Appeals Panel
- Hr Working Group
- Additional Group Membership -Decision
To consider the appointment of any new committees or working groups, their terms of reference and membership
- To consider the appointment of Representatives to outside bodies: -Decision
Lapley & Wheaton Aston Village Hall Management Committee (x2)
Lapley & Wheaton Aston Recreation Ground Committee (x1)
Lapley & Wheaton Aston Old People’s Welfare Committee (x1)
Wheaton Aston Community First Responders (x1)
Staffordshire Police Locality Accountability Forum (x2)
Parish Charities Trustee (x3)
- To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of 20th February 2020 -Decision
- To receive report from Parish Council Clerk -Information
- Financial matters -Decision
To consider financial matters including:
- To receive the Financial Summary to 31st March 2020
- To approve the 2019/20 Balance Sheet
- To approve the Annual Return Governance Statement
- To approve the Annual Return Accounting Statement
- To receive the Internal Independent Auditor’s Report
- To note the inspection period
- To note payments/decisions made under delegated powers
- Policies -Decision
To adopt the following policies:
- Document Retention and disposal Policy
- Expense policy
- Whistle Blowing Policy
- Paternal pay and leave policy
- Maternal pay and leave policy
- Sickness and absence policy
- Homeworking policy
- Flexible working policy
- Emergency Dependant leave policy
- Asset and disposal policy
- Annual Leave policy
- Review
To review:
- Insurance policy
- Code of Conduct
- Financial Regulations
- Asset Register
- Scheme of Delegation
- Complaints Procedure
- Media Policy
- FOI Scheme
- Internal Governance
- GDPR- Privacy
Privacy for Staff, Councillors and role holders
Personal Data Breech
Response Procedure
- Land for Sale at Lapley -Decision
To consider request from the PCC to purchase land (0.98ac) for £20,000 to be used as a carpark initially and
cemetery land in the future
- SID relocation -decision
To consider installing third post and use a mobile SID between the three posts
- Office -decision.
To consider moving to homeworking on a permanent basis and developing a working party
- 18. General Power of Competence -Decision
The Parish Council is eligible to adopt the General Power of Competence provided
that: a) The number of Councillors elected at the last ordinary election, or at a subsequent by-election, equals
or exceeds two thirds of its total number of Councillors (does not include co-options since the election) b) The
Parish Clerk holds at least one of the sector specific qualifications and has passed CILCA Unit 7 General Power
of Competence Please refer to the document ‘201609 General Power of Competence’ and consider adoption
- Items for future
Each councillor may use this opportunity to report on matters of information not included elsewhere on the
agenda and to raise items for future agendas. Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an
opportunity for debate or decision making.
- Date of next meeting: To be confirmed due to the Coronavirus Pandemic
Amy Watson Parish Council Clerk
Crime and Disorder Implications
Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 places a duty on local authorities to consider the
crime and disorder implications when exercising its functions with due regard to the likely effect
of the exercise of those functions and to do all that is reasonably can to prevent crime and
disorder in its area. Where relevant any decisions made at the Parish Council meeting have taken this duty of Care into consideration
Lapley, Stretton and Wheaton Aston
Parish Council
18.2.2020 Due to the high water level the zip wire at Marston Field flooded
Gate and fence at Marston Field added to the asset register
Advice sought for appropriate planting at Lapley Green
PC will be working with Staffordshire Care to improve the networking within the
the Great British Spring Clean has been postponed into September
Best Kept Village comp has been cancelled
There has been an issue with the armed defib boxes, a new part has been ordered and AEDdonate
will fit it
We have been advised of speeding issues on the A5, this has been reported
Tree removal at Park Lane due to storm damage complete
Legal advice received on land purchase at Lapley. The PC are able to purchase the land, should they
wish to, and if a decision is made to sell in the future it must be sold at full value
Staffordshire County Council has delivered food boxes to over 1000 residents in the County
A strong volunteer group has been set up on Wheaton Aston and leaflets with details delivered to
the Parish
Mole holes on Marston Field by the Skate Park reported to Staffs Borough Council Pest Control
Officers are dealing with recent speeding issues along the A5
12.5.2020 a car appears to have been abandoned on the car park at Hawthorns Road, this has been
reported to SSC
SSC will not be offering the additional weed spraying work this year
link to Stafford borough local plan consultation
13.2.2020Local Councillors training course
27.1.2020 Clerk only Death of senior national figure training
10.2.2020 FP& M working group
12.2.2020 HR working group
20.3.2020 Clerk and VO first aid at work course
28.3.2020 SPCA PRE planning course
30.4.2020 Internal Audit –
20.05.2020 Councillor zoom catch up
Accessibility- ongoing
GDPR- ongoing
Clerks updates received
Governance training (clerk only )
Items emailed to councillors
19.2.2020 SSC Road sweeping costs
20.2.2020 SPCA newsbulletin 20.2.2020 highways verges/ spraying update
4.3.2020 Amended plans for planning application 19/00936/FUL
4.3.2020 Planning application 19/00904/FUL
10.3.2020 Interim audit report
12.3.2020 SPCA newsbulltin
15.3.2020 Planning application 20/00200/FUL
16.3.2020 NALC coronavirus update
17.03.2020 SSC, info on The Great British Spring Clean
18.3.2020 NALC latest coronavirus update
18.3.2020 SSC Parish Summit postponement
19.3.2020 Nock Deighton Land for sale at Lapley
19.03.2020 SPCA Newsbulletin
23.3.2020 M Quinn support in the parish
26.3.2020 SPCA Newsbulletin
31.03.2020 Community Council of
Staffordshire Covid 19 funding
2.4.2020 SPCA news bulletin
15.4.2020 SSC Elected members update on CCU
19.4.2020 SSC Elected members update from CCU
19.4.2020 Policy & Partnership SSC, support during COVID 19
22.4.2020 MP G Williamson- CFRs duties
28.4.2020 M Jenkinson Members update Covid 19
28.4.2020 S Clarke MP
29.4.20 SPCA newsbulletin
6.5.2020 M Sutton update on Covid-19 funding
12.5.2020 Spca news bulletin 7.5.2020
12.5.2020 CCU elected members brief
13.5.2020 Pension newsletter (hr group)
14.5.2020 SPCA news bulletin
18.5.2020 SCC Members update
18.5.2020 Street Scene update
Use of devolved powers
- £67- new icicles (xmas lights) for the Village Hall
- £27.99 book from conference on public safety
- £6.00 book form conference on flexible working
- £225 ICtechnology- Laptop for A/Clerk to aid homeworking. Funds from reserves (office furniture) saving account moved to general reserves to cover cost
- ‘No objection’ submitted for planning app 19/00904/FUL
- Approved work with to remove two identified benches at Marston £120, install one bench and reinstate concrete £180. Reinstate eroded edges at Marston and Primrose £280
- £2000 grant applied for from SSC to aid crime prevention, received early April
- 100 smart water kits sent purchased, 11 signs for the parish purchased (£35 plus vat each)
- Covid-19 response policy implemented
- Highly infectious disease policy implemented
- Office cleaning products £5.00
- Face (surgical )masks £9.99
- Gloves for volunteer use £9.50
- Bug and inset houses purchased
- 4.2020 Cable ties brought for VO £11.49
- 4.2020 Local info on services sheet sent out
- Employee hand book update with ‘Jacks’ Law’
- Virtual meeting policy implemented
- Reserve pot created for Crime Prevention. £600 remaining from the SCC funding towards smart water. This is to be used for future crime prevention only
- Mobile phone for assistant clerk with data for work £23.50 per month for two years
- Five year contract with Ricoh for new printer returned £69.38 per quarter
- £24.99 and £29.99 keyboards for laptops for office staff (fx card)
- £19.99 Laptop riser for office staff (fxcard)
- Councillor tablets (Samsung Galaxy A tb) purchased from Microshade at a cost of £206 ea, plus £16.25 ea configuration, £36ea protection and a drop box system set up at £25 plus £2 per month
- Zoom conference meetings purchased for £11.99 (plus vat) per month to enable virtual meetings
- Hosting agreement for defibs sent out to all hosts, letter of expectation sent to WA CFRs
SSC Planning Decisions
19/00651/UNDEV- retrospective planning approved
Financial Summary – Cashbook
Summary between 01/04/19 and 31/03/20 inclusive.
Balances at the start of the year
Ordinary Accounts
Barclays savings account £84,823.62
Fair FX prepaid card -£95.41
Unity Trust – Current Account £24,066.44
Unity trust working reserves £0.00
Total £108,794.65
RECEIPTS Net Vat Gross
Parish Council £120,968.24 £0.00 £120,968.24
Total Receipts £120,968.24 £0.00 £120,968.24
PAYMENTS Net Vat Gross
Parish Council £121,773.54 £11,996.13 £133,769.67
Total Payments £121,773.54 £11,996.13 £133,769.67
Closing Balances
Ordinary Accounts
Barclays savings account £60,450.58
Fair FX prepaid card £71.66
Unity Trust – Current Account £18,978.30
Unity trust working reserves £16,492.68
Total £95,993.22
Uncleared and Unpresented effects
Unity Trust – Current Account -£330.00
Statement Closing Balances
Ordinary Accounts
Barclays savings account £60,450.58
Fair FX prepaid card £71.66
Unity Trust – Current Account £19,308.30
Unity trust working reserves £16,492.68
Total £96,323.22
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Lapley, Stretton & Wheaton Aston Parish Council
held on Thursday 28th May 2020 held virtually via Zoom conferencing system
Remotely in attendance:
Cllr T Noblett Wheaton Aston (Chairman)
Cllr W Millington Wheaton Aston (Vice Chairman)
Cllr Sue Whittingham Wheaton Aston
Cllr R Nelson Wheaton Aston
Cllr A Anderson Stretton
Cllr M Smith Wheaton Aston (7.15pm)
Cllr E Dadd Stretton
Cllr S Whittingham Wheaton Aston
Also in Attendance:
Mrs A Watson Parish Clerk
Mrs K Daker Assistant Parish Clerk
Cllr M Sutton Staffordshire County Council
Cllr B Cox Staffordshire District Council
Cllr B Cross Wheaton Aston
Cllr. M. Griffiths Lapley
Cllr V Renfrew Lapley
Cllr V Jackson Staffordshire District Council
Standing orders were imposed 7.00pm
No members of the public were virtually present
1: Standing Orders
Resolved: Standing orders which take into account the Coronavirus Act 2020 were approved and implemented immediately.
- Election of Chairman
Resolved: Cllr T Noblett is elected Chairman for the forthcoming year (Proposed by Cllr W Millington, Seconded by Cllr S Whittingham)
Cllr T Noblett took the Chair
7.15pm, Chairman imposed standing orders, Cllr M Smith virtually attended
3: Election of Vice-Chairman
Resolved: Cllr Millington is elected as Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year (Proposed by Cllr Anderson, Seconded by Cllr Sue Whittingham)
- To consider apologies
Apologies and reasons of absence were accepted from Cllr B Cox, Cllr V Jackson, Cllr R Renfrew, Cllr B
Cross, Cllr M Griffiths
5.Declaration of Interest/Dispensation
Cllrs confirmed that no updates on the declaration of interest forms are required .
Nothing to declare
6.To consider membership and delegated powers of:
- Disciplinary and Grievance Panel
Cllr Anderson
M, Griffiths
- Staff Appeals Panel
T Noblett
V Renfrew
A Anderson
- Disciplinary and Grievance Panel
- To the panel to make recommendations to the Parish Council with reference to the disciplinary and grievance procedures in accordance with the Council’s policy including issuing formal warning, suspension and dismissal.
- Staff Appeals Panel
- To the panel to make recommendations to the Parish Council with reference to the appeal sections of the disciplinary and grievance procedures in accordance with the Council’s policies.
- Parish Council Clerk
- To incur expenditure within the 2020/21 budget and arrange relevant payments as deemed appropriate.
- To devolve powers abiding by the Scheme of Delegation
- To consider membership of the following working groups:
Resolved: To approve the membership of working groups as follows:
- Christmas Lights Working Group (5 members)
T Noblett
W Millington
M Griffiths
A Anderson
V Renfrew
S Whittingham
E Dadd
Sue Whittingham
- Forward Planning & Finance Working Group (7 members)
M Griffiths
R Nelson
S Whittingham
T Noblett
A Anderson
Sue. Whittingham
W Millington
M Smith
B Cross
- Parish Maintenance Working Group (7 members)
- Griffiths
W Millington
Sue Whittingham
A Anderson
R Nelson
- Noblett
B Cross
V Renfrew
S Whittingham
- Planning Working Group (5 members)
T Noblett
W Millington
Sue Whittingham
M Griffiths
V Renfrew
E Dadd
M Smith
- HR Working group
T Noblett
B Cross
W Millington
A Anderson
Sue Whittingham
- To consider the appointment of any new committees or working groups, their term of reference
and membership
Resolved: To continue the work of the Lapley Green group to consider the maintenance and
progression of Lapley Green
V Renfrew
R Nelson
W Millington
T Noblett
Resolved Continue the work of the defibrillator committee until all defibrillators are secure.
Cllr W Millington
Cllr R Nelson
Cllr V Renfrew
Cllr Sue Whittingham
Mr D Leaper
9.To consider the appointment of Representatives to outside bodies.
Resolved: To appoint the representatives as follows:
Lapley & Wheaton Aston Village Hall Management Committee – R Nelson & T. Noblett
- Lapley & Wheaton Aston Recreation Ground Committee – S Whittingham
- Lapley & Wheaton Aston Old People’s Welfare Committee -T Noblett
- Wheaton Aston Community First Responders – Sue Whittingham
- Staffordshire Police Locality Accountability Forum – W Millington & A Anderson
- Parish Charities Trustees -T. Noblett and M Griffiths
10.Signing of the minutes
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 20th February 2020 were agreed to be a true and
Correct copy. Cllr Noblett will sign a copy as soon as is practically possible
11.Clerks Report
18.2.2020 Due to the high water level the zip wire at Marston Field flooded
Gate and fence at Marston Field added to the asset register
Advice sought for appropriate planting at Lapley Green
PC will be working with Staffordshire Care to improve the networking within the
the Great British Spring Clean has been postponed into September
Best Kept Village comp has been cancelled
There has been an issue with the armed defib boxes, a new part has been ordered and
AEDdonate will fit it
We have been advised of speeding issues on the A5, this has been reported
Tree removal at Park Lane due to storm damage complete
Legal advice received on land purchase at Lapley. The PC are able to purchase the land,
should they wish to, and if a decision is made to sell in the future it must be sold at full value
Staffordshire County Council has delivered food boxes to over 1000 residents in the County
A strong volunteer group has been set up on Wheaton Aston and leaflets with details
delivered to the Parish
Mole holes on Marston Field by the Skate Park reported to Staffs Borough Council Pest
Officers are dealing with recent speeding issues along the A5
12.5.2020 a car appears to have been abandoned on the car park at Hawthorns Road, this
has been reported to SSC
SSC will not be offering the additional weed spraying work this year
link to Stafford borough local plan consultation
13.2.2020Local Councillors training course
27.1.2020 Clerk only Death of senior national figure training
10.2.2020 FP& M working group
12.2.2020 HR working group
20.3.2020 Clerk and VO first aid at work course
28.3.2020 SPCA PRE planning course
30.4.2020 Internal Audit –
20.05.2020 Councillor zoom catch up
Accessibility- ongoing
GDPR- ongoing
Clerks updates received
Governance training (clerk only )
Items emailed to councillors
19.2.2020 SSC Road sweeping costs
20.2.2020 SPCA newsbulletin 20.2.2020 highways verges/ spraying update
4.3.2020 Amended plans for planning application 19/00936/FUL
4.3.2020 Planning application 19/00904/FUL
10.3.2020 Interim audit report
12.3.2020 SPCA newsbulltin
15.3.2020 Planning application 20/00200/FUL
16.3.2020 NALC coronavirus update
17.03.2020 SSC, info on The Great British Spring Clean
18.3.2020 NALC latest coronavirus update
18.3.2020 SSC Parish Summit postponement
19.3.2020 Nock Deighton Land for sale at Lapley
19.03.2020 SPCA Newsbulletin
23.3.2020 M Quinn support in the parish
26.3.2020 SPCA Newsbulletin
31.03.2020 Community Council of
Staffordshire Covid 19 funding
2.4.2020 SPCA news bulletin
15.4.2020 SSC Elected members update on CCU
19.4.2020 SSC Elected members update from CCU
19.4.2020 Policy & Partnership SSC, support during COVID 19
22.4.2020 MP G Williamson- CFRs duties
28.4.2020 M Jenkinson Members update Covid 19
28.4.2020 S Clarke MP
29.4.20 SPCA newsbulletin
6.5.2020 M Sutton update on Covid-19 funding
12.5.2020 Spca news bulletin 7.5.2020
12.5.2020 CCU elected members brief
13.5.2020 Pension newsletter (hr group)
14.5.2020 SPCA news bulletin
18.5.2020 SCC Members update
18.5.2020 Street Scene update
Use of devolved powers
- £67- new icicles (xmas lights) for the Village Hall
- £27.99 book from conference on public safety
- £6.00 book form conference on flexible working
- £225 ICtechnology- Laptop for A/Clerk to aid homeworking. Funds from reserves (office furniture) saving account moved to general reserves to cover cost
- ‘No objection’ submitted for planning app 19/00904/FUL
- Approved work with to remove two identified benches at Marston £120, install one bench and reinstate concrete £180. Reinstate eroded edges at Marston and Primrose £280
- £2000 grant applied for from SSC to aid crime prevention, received early April
- 100 smart water kits sent purchased, 11 signs for the parish purchased (£35 plus vat each)
- Covid-19 response policy implemented
- Highly infectious disease policy implemented
- Office cleaning products £5.00
- Face (surgical )masks £9.99
- Gloves for volunteer use £9.50
- Bug and inset houses purchased
- 4.2020 Cable ties brought for VO £11.49
- 4.2020 Local info on services sheet sent out
- Employee hand book update with ‘Jacks’ Law’
- Virtual meeting policy implemented
- Reserve pot created for Crime Prevention. £600 remaining from the SCC funding towards smart water. This is to be used for future crime prevention only
- Mobile phone for assistant clerk with data for work £23.50 per month for two years
- Five year contract with Ricoh for new printer returned £69.38 per quarter
- £24.99 and £29.99 keyboards for laptops for office staff (fx card)
- £19.99 Laptop riser for office staff (fxcard)
- Councillor tablets (Samsung Galaxy A tb) purchased from Microshade at a cost of £206 ea, plus £16.25 ea configuration, £36ea protection and a drop box system set up at £25 plus £2 per month
- Zoom conference meetings purchased for £11.99 (plus vat) per month to enable virtual meetings
- Hosting agreement for defibs sent out to all hosts, letter of expectation sent to WA CFRs
Resolved report accepted.
Cllr Sutton was invited to talk on County matters. SCC have been active during lockdown, a brief outline follows:
Priorities have been set to the government guidance
A care support system was put in place for care homes where SCC staff moved from roles to assist in care homes where staff was needed. Staff have moved undertaking various roles, lots involved with food deliveries
Approximately 2000 food packages have been delivered.
The call handling system was increased to take the call load.
Around 2 million pieces of ppe have been shared around the county.
Virtual meetings have been held, cabinet meetings are still going ahead via Teams. Most staff have adapted to the move and progressing
All staff had laptops and SCC were fortunate to be able to action the closure of offices swiftly. Working with schools to ensure vulnerable children are identified. Social workers are still meeting on a one to one basis and referrals from schools are still; being made. A lot of literature has been distributed about scams in the county, this is a concern.
Lots of voluntary groups have developed and have offered an outstanding support structure.
Help is available for smaller businesses with funding.
From Monday 1st June schools will slowly begin to reopen, schools are provided with PPE packs.
Almost one million pounds from the government has been received to aid infection control and support the care homes.
Remote family hubs have been set up where families can get advice and support.
Starting to move away from dealing with the infection and how to move out of and recover from the impact.
- Financial matters
- To accept the Financial Summary to 31st March 2020
- To accept the 2019/20 Balance Sheet
- To accept the Annual Return Governance Statement
- To accept the Annual Return Accounting Statement
- To accept the Internal Independent Auditor’s Report
- To accept the inspection period (3rd June -14th July) Noted that this year this will be done remotely (where possible) due to the Coronavirus Pandemic
- To accept payments/decisions made under delegated powers
Resolved to adopt the following policies:
- Document Retention and disposal Policy
- Expense policy
- Whistle Blowing Policy
- Paternal pay and leave policy
- Maternal pay and leave policy
- Sickness and absence policy
- Homeworking policy
- Flexible working policy
- Emergency Dependant leave policy
- Asset and disposal policy
- Annual Leave policy
Resolved: the below policies have been reviewed and accepted
- Insurance policy
- Code of Conduct
- Financial Regulations
- Asset Register
- Scheme of Delegation
- Complaints Procedure
- Media Policy
- FOI Scheme
- Internal Governance
- GDPR Privacy
Privacy for Staff, Councillors and role holders
Personal Data Breech
Response Procedure
- Land for Sale at Lapley
Consideration was given to the purchase an area of land approx. 0.98acres at £20,000. Resolved to defer to the next meeting as there was not a Lapley ward member present
Suspended standing orders 8.55pm to allow time to ‘clap for our carers’ during the Coronavirus pandemic. Cllr Sutton left the meeting
8.10pm meeting reconvened and standing orders imposed
- SID relocation
Resolved to purchase a mobile SID (speed indicator device £2495 for device, £399 for solar pack, £45 spare bracket, £48 spare battery) from Morelock and install a third post at Lapley Road. Precise location is to be determined by the CSW and suggested to SCC. A cost for this cannot be confirmed at this point, it is expected that the post will cost £800 plus any traffic measures required (TBC) Cllr Sutton has committed half of the cost of the post from the SCC member budget. An additional post for Stretton will be considered in the future
A £4000 budget was previously set.
- Office
Council would like to implement home working on a permanent basis. Forward planning and HR to investigate this going forward and make a recommendation to full council. PC appreciate that there will be an initial cost before savings are made.
Clerk and assistant clerk are happy to work from home, clerk would need a structure for storage and office space to enable efficient running of the parish council from her home address
The lease at the business hub is due to end in January 2021, the current office space offered is £287.50 pcm with an annual increment.
- General Power of Competence
Resolved to reaffirm the General Power of Competence as the conditions stated have been met: a) the number of Councillors elected at the last ordinary election, or at a subsequent by-election, equals or exceeds two thirds of its total number of Councillors (does not include co-options since the election) b) The Parish Clerk holds at least one of the sector specific
- Items for future
Each councillor may use this opportunity to report on matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making.
- Land at Lapley for sale
- Freight Hub update
- Birkenshaw Lane
- Broadholes play area
- Date of next meeting: Thursday 2nd July 7pm via Zoom conferencing systems, anyone wishing to attend is to email the Clerk or Assistant Clerk for the meeting details
Meeting closed 8.40pm
Council Attendance
Date | RN | BC | MS | WM | TN | SW | SueW | ED | AA | VR | MG | Total Attendance |
28/5 | X | Ap | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | Ap | Ap | 8/11 |
Financial Summary – Cashbook
Summary between 01/04/19 and 31/03/20 inclusive.
Balances at the start of the year
Ordinary Accounts
Barclays savings account £84,823.62
Fair FX prepaid card -£95.41
Unity Trust – Current Account £24,066.44
Unity trust working reserves £0.00
Total £108,794.65
RECEIPTS Net Vat Gross
Parish Council £120,968.24 £0.00 £120,968.24
Total Receipts £120,968.24 £0.00 £120,968.24
PAYMENTS Net Vat Gross
Parish Council £121,773.54 £11,996.13 £133,769.67
Total Payments £121,773.54 £11,996.13 £133,769.67
Closing Balances
Ordinary Accounts
Barclays savings account £60,450.58
Fair FX prepaid card £71.66
Unity Trust – Current Account £18,978.30
Unity trust working reserves £16,492.68
Total £95,993.22
Uncleared and Unpresented effects
Unity Trust – Current Account -£330.00
Statement Closing Balances
Ordinary Accounts
Barclays savings account £60,450.58
Fair FX prepaid card £71.66
Unity Trust – Current Account £19,308.30
Unity trust working reserves £16,492.68
Total £96,323.22