Extra Ordinary meeting – August 2019
Minutes of the Extra Ordinary Meeting of Lapley, Stretton & Wheaton Aston Parish Council held on Thursday 15th August 2019 at Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall
In Attendance: Cllr T Noblett Wheaton Aston (Chairman)
Cllr Sue Whittingham Wheaton Aston
Cllr R Nelson Wheaton Aston
Cllr. M. Griffiths Lapley
Cllr A Anderson Stretton
Cllr V Renfrew Lapley
Cllr W Millington Wheaton Aston
Cllr B. Cross Wheaton Aston
Cllr M Smith Wheaton Aston
Also in Attendance: Mrs A Watson Parish Clerk
Cllr B Cox Staffordshire District Council
Cllr M Sutton Staffordshire Country Council
Public forum.
6.30pm, Chairman imposed standing orders
- To consider apologies
Apologies and reasons of absence were accepted from Cllr M Sutton
57 Declarations of Interest/Dispensation
None declared
- Planning application 19/00140/FUL
Amended plans received, Council considered the amendments and application. Resolved to comment: No objections to the plans; however; the bay windows are not in keeping with the area and further consideration should be given. It is noted that this development is within the green belt, within the Conservation area and outside the development envelope but complies with the infill policy.
Cllr Renfrew noted that in her opinion a development of three smaller houses would have been more appropriate than two large, high properties.
Meeting closed 6.45pm