Full Parish Council Meeting – 16th January 2020
You are here by summoned to attend a meeting of Lapley, Stretton and Wheaton Aston Parish Council, which will be held on Thursday 5th December 2019 at 7.30pm at Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall.
The Council, members of the public and the press may record/film/photograph or broadcast this meeting when the public and the press are not lawfully excluded. Any member of the public who attends a meeting and objects to being filmed should advise the Parish Council Manager (in advance) who will instruct that they are not included in the filming.
In order to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, all persons attending this meeting are hereby notified that this meeting will be tape-recorded by the Parish Council. The purpose of taping is that recordings act as an aide-memoire to assist the Parish Council Clerk in the compilation of minutes.
Please ensure that all mobile phones are switched to silent during the Parish Council meeting.
- Apologies -decision
To receive and accept apologies.
- Declarations of interest and dispensations -information
To receive declarations of interest and consider dispensation requests & Code of Conduct. –
The only way in which a Councillor can speak about business in which they have an interest is if they have been granted a dispensation by their council. A request for a dispensation has to be made in writing to the Clerk (in advance of the meeting) and to be granted by decision of the Council.
- Signing of the minutes -decision
To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of 24th October 2019 and to note the (unapproved) minutes of the Defibrillator meeting held on 18th November 2019
- VE75 Celebration presentation from the Historical Society
- Dog Walk extension
- Website review
- Clerks report -information
To receive report from the Parish Clerk
- Policing matters -information
To receive the report from the County Council
- District report -information
To receive the report from the District Council. –decision
- County report . –information
To receive the report from the County Council
- Financial matters -decision
To consider financial matters including:
- To approve the expenditure for October and November 2019
- To receive the Financial Comparison to 30th November 2019
- To receive the Financial Summary to 30th November 2019
- To note payments/decisions made under delegated powers
- To note payments/decisions made under delegated powers
- To approve the budget and set the precept request
- New bank account confirmation
- Planning recommendations -decision
To consider planning matters including
- planning application 19/00821/FUL
- . Applications received after papers have been issued
- List of planning decisions received since last meeting
- Enforcement cases-
- To note responses sent under delegated powers-
- Spatial Housing Review Consultation -decision
- Grant request
- Community first responders
- Wild Verges -decision
- Policies -decision
- Disciplinary Policy
- Grievance Policy
- Update on office move and storage
- Dog walk extension -decision
- VE75 commemoration/celebration -decision
- HGV accessibility issues on Mill Lane -information/decision
- Speeding issues: -information/decision
- Update on A5
- Ivetsey Road
- Working group reports: – information/decision
- Christmas Lights
- Maintenance: Projects for 2020
- To purchase a VE75 memorial bench for Marston Field
- To finish installing defibrillators in the Parish
- Co-ordinate office move
- To consider climate change, create a plan and go paperless.
- To purchase Councillor tablets and relevant software
- To take on the maintenance of the Village Green WA and land off Primrose Close from SSC
- Replace edging on the play equipment at Marston Field
- Accept quotation for required works on Playdale Equipment (£1140)
Current projects:
- Use existing topsoil to replace eroded area around bench by equipment (MF)
- Remove ‘leaf’ bench (MF) and concrete (to be replaced in 2020)
- Continue with play area repairs as required
- Cut back trees for better CCTV access
- Scheme of Management and Village Green registration for Lapley Green
- Defib installation
- SID installation
- Agenda summons -decision
- 120. Items for future
Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making.
- 121. Date of next meeting: Thursday 16th January at 7.30pm at Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall
In pursuance of the powers contained in section 1 of the above act, I move that the press and public be now
excluded from the meeting on the grounds that the business about to be transacted is of a confidential nature
and that publicity will be prejudicial to the public interest
- HR
Parish Council Clerk Mrs A Watson, 3 March 2020
Crime and Disorder Implications
Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 places a duty on local authorities to consider the
crime and disorder implications when exercising its functions with due regard to the likely effect
of the exercise of those functions and to do all that is reasonably can to prevent crime and
disorder in its area. Where relevant any decisions made at the Parish Council meeting have taken this duty of Care into consideration.
Supporting Paperwork
Clerks Report
17.10.19 – Fly tipping opposite Marston Field bottom field reported to SSC.
Planning app 19/00661/LUP approved (defib at Lapley Green phone kiosk)
Highways Ref: 4169531 – work on the gully on Long Street completed.
20.11.19 Fly tipping by Mottey Meadows entrance reported
20.11.19 Emergency road closure Garden Lane Stretton https://one.network/downloads/tm/emerg-ttro-road-closures-115564160-3195387.pdf
Spatial Housing Strategy Public Consultation South Staffs Council closes 12.12.19
Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation consultation ends 29.11.19
4.11.19 Defib meet at Stretton Lodge Nursery
7.11.19 Meeting with Cllr Dadd
12.11.19 Post office meet
14.11.19 View proposed council office
14.11.19 SGS to install software
SSC CEO meet
18.10.10 – 9.30am Defib meeting.
19.11.19 HR WG
19.11.19 Xmas WG
23.11.19 Xmas light switch on event
26.11.19 Budget- finance and maintenance WG meet
2.12.19 SPCS AGM- Stafford
Accessibility- ongoing
GDPR- ongoing
Clerks updates received
Items emailed to councillors
23.10.19 SSC Spatial housing consultation
7.11.19 SPCA bulletin
11.11.19 Planning Application 19/00821/FUL
11.11.19+ SSC Purdah guidance
12.11.19 SCC Closed churchyard special report
14.11.19 SPCA news bulletin
14.11.19 SSC consultation on phone kiosks
21.11.19 SPCA Newsbulletin
27.11.19 SSC Tree policy
27.11.19 Concerns on parking at Mill Lane
28.11.19 SPCA newsbulletin
Use of devolved powers
£938 vired from Election reserve to election general funds
£2000 vired from Long term project reserve to defibs
New budget heading created for CCTV, £8000 vired from Drainage reserve to CCTV budget
Afeb to reduce tree overhanging from Broadholes Lane
Lapley Stretton & Wheaton Aston Parish Council
Expenditure transactions – payments approval list Start of year 01/04/19
Tn no Cheque Gross Heading Invoice Details Cheque
152 fp52567935 £8.10 24/10/19 Mrs Karen Daker – Expenses – Oct £8.10
1 £8.10 100/18/3 milage
153 fp43705923 £270.00 24/10/19 The Play Inspection Company Ltd – 2019 Annual £270.00
pic Inspection
1 £78.00 140/8/1 Primrose Play Area
2 £78.00 140/8/3 Broadholes Leisure Garden
3 £114.00 140/8/2 Marston Field
154 fp55662570 £22.95 100/18/2 24/10/19 Cllr V Renfrew – £22.95
155 fp91132793 £1,080.49 120/1/1 24/10/19 Ditton Services – Grounds Maintenance – 7th £1,080.49
5ds Instalment
156 fp75443653 £330.00 100/26 24/10/19 Lapley With Wheaton Aston Parochial Church Council £330.00
3pcc – Well Being Sessions
157 fp97416523 £39.43 100/4/1 24/10/19 South Staffordshire District Council – Newsletter £39.43
ssc 2019-3
158 fp37570838 £40.50 24/10/19 Mrs Amy Watson – Expenses – Oct 2019 £40.50
3 £40.50 100/18/1 Milage
159 fp45065518 £73.60 100/6/1 24/10/19 Wheaton Aston Village Hall Management Committee – £73.60
5wavh Hall Hire July/Aug/Sept 2019
165 fp39765287 £16.03 24/10/19 Mr. Malcolm Bissell – Expenses – Sep £16.03
1 £6.75 100/18/4 Milage
2 £4.29 120/1/5 Screws
3 £4.99 120/1/5 Keys
167 fp36169646 £2,526.00 120/1/2 24/10/19 A F E B Limited – Tree Works £2,526.00
168 fp75480538 £18.24 120/1/6 24/10/19 Weston Sawmill & Nursery – Rails £18.24
Sub Total £4,425.34
£2,491.44 Confidential
Total £6,916.78
Lapley, Stretton & Wheaton Aston Parish Council GRANT APPLICATION FORM (Maximum £300 per organisation in any financial year) | |||
Name of Organisation | WACFRS | ||
Registered Charity Number (if applicable) | 1110272 | ||
Organisation Contact Details | Contact Name | ||
Contact Position / Role | Treasurer | ||
Address of organisation | |||
Telephone number of organisation | |||
Email address of organisation | [email protected] | ||
Describe the role of your organisation, and the work it undertakes for the benefit of the inhabitants of Lapley, Stretton & Wheaton Aston. | First Responders in local Area | ||
Approximately how many residents of Lapley, Stretton & Wheaton Aston benefit from the services of your organisation? | 2548 | ||
Approximately how many residents of Lapley, Stretton & Wheaton Aston are members of your organisation? | 6 | ||
What is the total cost of the project? | |||
How much grant are you seeking and how will the balance be funded? | £1000 | ||
Give full details of the purpose for which the grant is required, with financial details of the proposed scheme and/or funding required. Continue on a separate sheet if needed. | On going costs for running the vehicle and equipment | ||
Give details of any grants received from Lapley, Stretton & Wheaton Aston Parish Council in the past 4 years(date and amount of grant) | £3000 | ||
Give details of any grants received from other sources in the past 2 years(date and amount) | None | ||
Is your organisation making bids to other funding sources?YES / NO. If ‘Yes’ please give details | NO | ||
Where did you find out about the grants available from Lapley, Stretton & Wheaton Aston Parish Council? | Parish Council | ||
Bank Account
Details(for payment of grant) |
Sort Code | ||
Account No | |||
Account Name | WACFRS | ||
Declaration: I declare that the information given on this Application Form is true to the best of my knowledge and belief
Signed.. Position in Organisation 20.09.2019……………………………Date………………Treasuer
Please return completed form to: The Parish Council Clerk, Lapley, Stretton and Wheaton Aston Parish Council, Office F7, The Business Hub, Wolverhampton Road, Codsall, Stafford, WV8 1PE. Email: [email protected]Tel: 01902 842556
Grant Applications – Data Protection – What you need to know.
Data Controller – We Lapley, Stretton and Wheaton Aston Parish Council are a ‘controller’ of your personal data (“yourinformation”). Our addressis Office F7, The Business Hub, Wolverhampton Road, Codsall, Stafford, WV8 1PE. Our Telephone number is 01902 842556
Purpose and Lawful Basis of Processing – We process your information to enable us to progress applications for grants and to determine the same. We do so in the public interest.
Who We May Share Information with – We will share your information with Parish Councillors to enable applications to be considered and determined.
Retention – We will retain your information for six years after the financial year in which the application is determined.
Your rights – You have the right to request access to your information; to have incorrect information rectified; to have your information erased and to have our use of your information restricted.
Complaints – If you are unhappy about the way we have processed your information please speak to the Clerk to the Parish Council in the first instance. However, notwithstanding this you do have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner.
Lapley, Stretton and Wheaton Aston Parish Council
- This policy is based on and complies with the 2015 ACAS Code of Practice
(http://www.acas.org.uk/index.aspx?articleid=2174). It also takes account of the ACAS guide on discipline and grievances at work.
The policy is designed to help Council employees improve unsatisfactory conduct and performance in their job. Wherever possible, the Council will try to resolve its concerns about employees’ behaviour informally, without starting the formal procedure set out below.
- The policy will be applied fairly, consistently and in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.
- This policy confirms:
- informal coaching and supervision will be considered, where appropriate, to improve conduct and / or attendance
- the Council will fully investigate the facts of each case
- the Council recognises that misconduct and unsatisfactory work performance are different issues. The disciplinary policy will also apply to work performance issues to ensure that all alleged instances of employees’ underperformance are dealt with fairly and in a way that is consistent with required standards. However, the disciplinary policy will only be used when performance management proves ineffective. For more information see ACAS “Performance Management” at https://www.acas.org.uk/index.aspx?articleid=6608
- employees will be informed in writing about the nature of the complaint against them and given the opportunity to state their case
- employees will be provided, where appropriate, with written copies of evidence and relevant witness statements in advance of a disciplinary hearing
- employees may be accompanied or represented by a companion – a workplace colleague, a trade union representative or a trade union official – at any investigatory, disciplinary or appeal meeting. The companion is permitted to address such meetings, to put the employee’s case and confer with the employee. The companion cannot answer questions put to the employee, address the meeting against the employee’s wishes or prevent the employee from explaining his/her case
- the Council will give employees reasonable notice of any meetings in this procedure. Employee must make all reasonable efforts to attend. Failure to attend any meeting may result in it going ahead and a decision being taken. An employee who does not attend a meeting will be given the opportunity to be represented and to make written submissions
- if the employee’s companion is not available for the proposed date of the meeting, the employee can request a postponement and can propose an alternative date that is within five working days of the original meeting date unless it is unreasonable not to propose a later date
- any changes to specified time limits in the Council’s procedure must be agreed by the employee and the Council
- information about an employee’s disciplinary matter will be restricted to those involved in the disciplinary process. A record of the reason for disciplinary action and the action taken by the Council is confidential to the employee. The employee’s disciplinary records will be held by the Council in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- audio or video recordings of the proceedings at any stage of the disciplinary procedure are prohibited, unless agreed by all affected parties as a reasonable adjustment that takes account of an employee’s medical condition
- employees have the right to appeal against any disciplinary decision. The appeal decision is final
- if an employee who is already subject to the Council’s disciplinary procedure raises a grievance, the grievance will normally be heard after the completion of the disciplinary procedure
- disciplinary action taken by the Council can include a written warning, final written warning or dismissal
- this procedure may be implemented at any stage if the employee’s alleged misconduct warrants this
- except for gross misconduct when an employee may be dismissed without notice, the Council will not dismiss an employee on the first occasion that it decides there has been misconduct
- if an employee is suspended following allegations of misconduct, it will be on full pay and only for such time as is necessary. Suspension is not a disciplinary sanction. The Council will write to the employee to confirm any period of suspension and the reasons for it,
the Council may consider mediation at any stage of the disciplinary procedure where appropriate (for example where there have been communication breakdowns or allegations of bullying or harassment). Mediation is a dispute resolution process that requires the consent of affected parties
- This policy is based on and complies with the 2015 ACAS Code of Practice (http://www.acas.org.uk/index.aspx?articleid=2174. It also takes account of the ACAS guide on discipline and grievances at work. (https://www.acas.org.uk/media/1043/Discipline-and-grievances-at-work-The-Acas-guide/pdf/DG_Guide_Feb_2019.pdf ). It aims to encourage and maintain good relationships between the Council and its employees by treating grievances seriously and resolving them as quickly as possible. It sets out the arrangements for employees to raise their concerns, problems or complaints about their employment with the Council. The policy will be applied fairly, consistently and in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.
- Many problems can be raised and settled during the course of everyday working relationships. Employees should aim to settle most grievances informally with their line manager.
- This policy confirms:
- employees have the right to be accompanied or represented at a grievance meeting or appeal by a companion who can be a workplace colleague, a trade union representative or a trade union official. This includes any meeting held with them to hear about, gather facts about, discuss, consider or resolve their grievance. The companion will be permitted to address the grievance/appeal meetings, to present the employee’s case for his /her grievance/appeal and to confer with the employee. The companion cannot answer questions put to the employee, address the meeting against the employee’s wishes or prevent the employee from explaining his/her case.
- the Council will give employees reasonable notice of the date of the grievance/appeal meetings. Employees and their companions must make all reasonable efforts to attend. If the companion is not available for the proposed date of the meeting, the employee can request a postponement and can propose an alternative date that is within five working days of the original meeting date unless it is unreasonable not to propose a later date
- any changes to specified time limits must be agreed by the employee and the Council
- an employee has the right to appeal against the decision about his/her grievance. The appeal decision is final
- information about an employee’s grievance will be restricted to those involved in the grievance process. A record of the reason for the grievance, its outcome and action taken is confidential to the employee. The employee’s grievance records will be held by the Council in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- audio or video recordings of the proceedings at any stage of the grievance procedure are prohibited, unless agreed by all affected parties as a reasonable adjustment that takes account of an employee’s medical condition
- if an employee who is already subject to a disciplinary process raises a grievance, the grievance will normally be heard after completion of the disciplinary procedure
- if a grievance is not upheld, no disciplinary action will be taken against an employee if he/she raised the grievance in good faith
- the Council may consider mediation at any stage of the grievance procedure where appropriate, (for example where there have been communication breakdowns or allegations of bullying or harassment). Mediation is a dispute resolution process which requires the consent of affected parties
- Employees can use all stages of the grievance procedure If the complaint is not a code of conduct complaint about a councillor. Employees can use the informal stage of the council’s grievance procedure (paragraph 4) to deal with all grievance issues, including a complaint about a councillor Employees cannot use the formal stages of the council’s grievance procedure for a code of conduct complaint about a councillor. If the complaint about the councillor is not resolved at the informal stage, the employee can contact the monitoring officer of [[ ] council] who will inform the employee whether or not the complaint can be dealt with under the code of conduct. If it does not concern the code of conduct, the employee can make a formal complaint under the council’s grievance procedure (see paragraph 5)
- If the grievance is a code of conduct complaint against a councillor, the employee cannot proceed with it beyond the informal stage of the council’s grievance procedure. However, whatever the complaint, the council has a duty of care to its employees. It must take all reasonable steps to ensure employees have a safe working environment, for example by undertaking risk assessments, by ensuring staff and councillors are properly trained and by protecting staff from bullying, harassment and all forms of discrimination
- If an employee considers that the grievance concerns his or her safety within the working environment, whether or not it also concerns a complaint against a councillor, the employee should raise these safety concerns with his or her line manager at the informal stage of the grievance procedure. The council will consider whether it should take further action in this matter in accordance with any of its employment policies (for example its health and safety policy or its dignity at work policy) and in accordance with the code of conduct regime
Informal grievance procedure
- The Council and its employees benefit if grievances are resolved informally and as quickly as possible. As soon as a problem arises, the employee should raise it with his/her manager to see if an informal solution is possible. Both should try to resolve the matter at this stage. If the employee does not want to discuss the grievance with his/her manager (for example, because it concerns the manager), the employee should contact the Chairman of the staffing committee or, if appropriate, another member of the staffing committee. If the employee’s complaint is about a councillor, it may be appropriate to involve that councillor at the informal stage. This will require both the employee’s and the councillor’s consent.
Formal grievance procedure
- If it is not possible to resolve the grievance informally and the employee’s complaint is not one that should be dealt with as a code of conduct complaint (see above), the employee may submit a formal grievance. It should be submitted in writing to the Chairman of the staffing committee.
- The staffing committee will appoint a sub-committee of three members to hear the grievance. The sub-committee will appoint a Chairman from one of its members. No councillor with direct involvement in the matter shall be appointed to the sub-committee.
- If the sub-committee decides that it is appropriate, (e.g. if the grievance is complex), it may appoint an investigator to carry out an investigation before the grievance meeting to establish the facts of the case. The investigation may include interviews (e.g. the employee submitting the grievance, other employees, councillors or members of the public).
- The investigator will summarise their findings (usually within an investigation report) and present their findings to the sub-committee.
- Within 10 working days of the Council receiving the employee’s grievance (this may be longer if there is an investigation), the employee will normally be asked, in writing, to attend a grievance meeting. The written notification will include the following:
- the names of its Chairman and other members
- the date, time and place for the meeting. The employee will be given reasonable notice of the meeting which will normally be within 25 working days of when the Council received the grievance
- the employee’s right to be accompanied by a workplace colleague, a trade union representative or a trade union official
- a copy of the Council’s grievance policy
- confirmation that, if necessary, witnesses may attend (or submit witness statements) on the employee’s behalf and that the employee should provide the names of his/her witnesses as soon as possible before the meeting
- confirmation that the employee will provide the Council with any supporting evidence in advance of the meeting, usually with at least two days’ notice
- findings of the investigation if there has been an investigation
- an invitation for the employee to request any adjustments to be made for the hearing (for example where a person has a health condition).
The grievance meeting
- At the grievance meeting:
- the Chairman will introduce the members of the sub-committee to the employee
- the employee (or companion) will set out the grievance and present the evidence
- the Chairman will ask the employee questions about the information presented and will want to understand what action does he/she wants the Council to take
- any member of the sub-committee and the employee (or the companion) may question any witness
- the employee (or companion) will have the opportunity to sum up the case
- a grievance meeting may be adjourned to allow matters that were raised during the meeting to be investigated by the sub-committee.
- The Chairman will provide the employee with the sub-committee’s decision, in writing, usually within five working days of the meeting. The letter will notify the employee of the action, if any, that the Council will take and of the employee’s right to appeal.
The appeal
- If an employee decides that his/her grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved by the sub-committee, he/she may submit a written appeal to the staffing committee. An appeal must be received by the Council within five working days of the employee receiving the sub-committee’s decision and must specify the grounds of appeal.
- Appeals may be raised on a number of grounds, e.g.:
- a failure by the Council to follow its grievance policy
- the decision was not supported by the evidence
- the action proposed by the sub-committee was inadequate/inappropriate
- new evidence has come to light since the grievance meeting.
- The appeal will be heard by a panel of three members of the staffing committee who have not previously been involved in the case. There may be insufficient members of the staffing committee who have not previously been involved. If so, the appeal panel will be a committee of three Council members who may include members of the staffing committee. The appeal panel will appoint a Chairman from one of its members.
- The employee will be notified, in writing, usually within 10 working days of receipt of the appeal of the time, date and place of the appeal meeting. The meeting will normally take place within 25 working days of the Council’s receipt of the appeal. The employee will be advised that he/she may be accompanied by a workplace colleague, a trade union representative or a trade union official.
- At the appeal meeting, the Chairman will:
- introduce the panel members to the employee
- explain the purpose of the meeting, which is to hear the employee’s reasons for appealing against the decision of the staffing sub-committee
- explain the action that the appeal panel may take.
- The employee (or companion) will be asked to explain the grounds of appeal.
- The Chairman will inform the employee that he/she will receive the decision and the panel’s reasons, in writing, within five working days of the appeal meeting.
- The appeal panel may decide to uphold the decision of the staffing committee or substitute its own decision.
- The decision of the appeal panel is final.
Grant Application to Lapley, Stretton & Wheaton Aston Parish Council
Financial Summary
Name of Organisation ……WACFRS………………………………………………………………………………….
Receipts and Payments for the year ending …..2019………………………………………………………
RECEIPTS | Amount | PAYMENTS | Amount | |
Subscriptions | Employees | |||
Donations | 1648 | Professional fees | ||
Grant aid | 1000 | Volunteers’ expenses | ||
Fundraising events (give full details) | 1157 | Energy charges | ||
Rents | ||||
Rates | ||||
Equipment | ||||
Telephone/postage | ||||
Insurance | 864 | |||
Other (give full details)
Other (give full details)
Fuel Training Car Tax Car Maintenance |
34 195 116 |
Opening Balance at / / | 23325 | Closing Balance at / / | 25782 | |
Minutes of the Meeting of Lapley, Stretton & Wheaton Aston Parish Council
held on Thursday 16th January 2020 at Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall
In Attendance: Cllr T Noblett Wheaton Aston (Chairman)
Cllr W Millington Wheaton Aston (Vice Chairman)
Cllr Sue Whittingham Wheaton Aston
Cllr V Renfrew Lapley
Cllr B Cross Wheaton Aston
Cllr R Nelson Wheaton Aston
Cllr V Jackson Staffordshire District Council
Cllr M Sutton Staffordshire County Council (arrived at 7.55pm)
Also in Attendance: Mrs A Watson Parish Clerk
PCSO Price
Sargent Donnington
Two members of the public (for part of the meeting)
Apologies: Cllr B Cox Staffordshire District Council
Cllr S Whittingham Wheaton Aston
Cllr M Griffiths Lapley
Cllr E Dadd Stretton
Cllr A Anderson Stretton
Cllr M Smith Wheaton Aston
7.40pm. Chairman imposed standing orders
Resolved to bring agenda item 130 forward and invited PCSO Price to present.
- Policing reports
This Police Report covers the dates from 04/12/2019 – 17/01/2020.
Staffordshire Police have seen an increase within Wheaton Aston Village of Burglary Dwellings, Theft of Motor Vehicles and Theft from Motor Vehicles.
All these reports are from across the Village with a few happening overnight but the rest mainly between the hours of 16:00 and 22:00.
The Burglary Dwellings are mainly when the offenders can’t get the car started without keys so they approach the victim’s property and gain entry by going to the rear doors and snapping the lock. Once entry has been gained the offenders will then make an untidy search of the lower level for the keys and once found make good their escape with the victim’s car off the driveway.
The Theft from Motor Vehicles have mainly been work vans which offenders have caused damaged to gain access, and once in the van make a search for high value tools.
The Police have put out Neighbourhood Alerts / Smart Alerts on social Media to make residents aware of what crime is going on in the Village along with car and home security advice.
Patrols have been tasked to cover the Village using fully marked and plain vehicles. This is to catch any Offenders and help reduce crime in the area.
We also have had a meeting with “WASP’s” which is a new Community Group that the residents have set up. Since the group was set up Staffordshire Police have seen an increase in Suspicious Incidents being reported which have been dealt with, this means that Residents along with Police are working together to help reduce crime.
Please can all residents report Suspicious Incidents / Crime straight away on 101 or 999.
Staffordshire Police can only deal with Community Issues if residents report it.
- Report received
Clerk, Cllr Millington and PCSO Price held a surgery ahead of the meeting and handed out Faraday bags to help prevent the theft of keyless cars. For the foreseeable future the PC/PCSO surgery ahead of the meetings will continue.
Clerk has enquired about street lighting, Eon have confirmed that there is a scheme in place to renew the lighting with LED
Resolved to advertise that the PC are able to purchase ring doorbell 2’s at a reduced cost (TBC , expected £60 off the full cost) per item (RRP £179.99) All orders must be placed and paid in full by 5th February 2020
Public forum
A parishioner raised concerns the dog walk has been particularly boggy in areas and standing water
on the road has pushed through. Suggestion that if the area was bigger it would be an opportunity to
for dog walkers to be more social and active.
Issue with water is the drainage on the adjacent field which is privately owned
A discussion took place about the use of the dog walk and dog access to Marston Field, this is concerning that dogs are exercised in an area that is prohibited.
Council advised that this will be considered further
- To consider apologies
Apologies and reasons of absence were accepted from Cllr Cox, Cllr Whittingham, Cllr Griffiths,Cllr
Anderson, Cllr Smith and Cllr Dadd
- Declaration of Interest/Dispensation
None to declare
- Signing of the minutes
The minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 5th December 2019 were signed as a
true and correct copy.
- VE75 Celebration presentation from the Historical Society
A representative from Wheaton Aston Historical Society was invited to present to the PC the plans to
commemorate the VE75 year.
Thanks given to council and the village for the support for the festival held in 2019. Excellent
feedback has been received and more offers of assistance for 2020. This year mark the VE75 and the
Festival will both celebrate and offer remembrance. This years event will be on 12/13th September .
First aid cover is required , this a massive, yet essential cost. This cost is met by fundraising and
lottery funding.
Ideas are welcomed which will improve the festival and benefit the local businesses.
Resolved : the Parish Council will support the festival and act as referee for grant requests etc . It is
a non-profit organisation and all profit goes to Charity and the local area.
The Hartley Arms will be holding a fundraising evening on the 21st February for this event
Resolved to lay a wreath at the memorial and offer tea and cake following, Cllr Sue Whittingham, to
organise on Friday 8th May 11am
- Dog Walk extension
A parishioner was invited to discuss concerns (in the public forum ) regarding the dog walk and
reasons for the request to extend the area into Marston Field. In a previous meeting a petition
signed by 38 residents was presented requesting that the area is extended.
Resolved to take to Maintenance working group for consideration and then to make
a recommendation to the Parish Council
129.Clerks Report
Large pothole reported on Broadholes direct to relevant officer at SCC 9.1.2020
Defib signs are up, awaiting all installs and permission before installing the sign at the Village Hall
www.staffordshire.gov.uk/Education/Admissions-primary/Current-arrangements/Overview.aspx consultation on school place allocation
12.12.19 Election
7.1.20 Defib installation.
20.1.20 Defib installation.
13.1.20 Lets Work Together
14.1.2020 Governances Training (clerks only)
13.2.20 Local Councillors training course
Accessibility- ongoing
GDPR- ongoing
Clerks updates received
Items emailed to councillors
10.12.19 SSC school place allocation consultation
16.12.19 SPCA news bulletin
16.12.19 Website accessibility
6.1.2020 SPCA newsbulletin 30.12.19
6.1.2020Postoffice update
7.1.20 SPCA local councillors course
9.1.20 SPCA newsbulletin
Use of devolved powers
To attend the SLCC conference at Kenilworth, cost tbc, it will be within budget
PCM and VO to attend first aid at work course, date in March tbc
New information regarding the Dial-a-ride service, it is anticipated that the service will begin on January 21st 2020 running as below: (this is subject to alteration)
- Wheaton Aston – Lapley – Brewood – Coven – Codsall– Perton.
The Service will operate in Locality 2 on a Tuesday providing a link from Brewood and Coven to Locality 4 The current Codsall/Perton service on a Tuesdays will continue to service Busy Minds passengers but will also connect Wheaton Aston/Lapley/ Coven/Brewood passengers to Codsall or Perton.
- Coven – Brewood – Stretton¬ – Penkridge – Acton Trussell to Cannock supermarkets and town centre.
A Wednesday return service linking Coven-Brewood-Stretton-Penkridge-Acton Trussell-Cannock will operate along a fixed route corridor and will be determined by the provider depending on who wants to travel and where. i.e. it may not go to the orbital if the passengers only want to go as far a Cannock Town centre.
Passengers travelling only as far as Penkridge will have a wait of around 2 and a half hours before being collected for the return leg. If this is to long for some people they could have one way ticket and arrange their own return by taxi or other means.
Hours of Operation
Service availability will vary on a weekly basis dependant on demand and booking locations. Therefore the provider will assess the starting time daily depending on the route and the demand in order to flex the core operating hours of 10.00am to 3.00pm.
How much does it cost?
The cost will be £3 for a single journey and £5 for a return.
Call 01902 910263 between 8am and 5pm to register and book your journey.
You can book your journey up to seven days in advance or up to two hours before travel. Once your call is booked, we aim to be at your pick-up point within 10 minutes of the agreed time.
A donation of £100 has been made to the Community First Responders as requested by Afeb in lieu of the work undertaken in installing and removing the Christmas tree
Cllrs invited to attend the SPCA Local Councillor course on 19th February 2020 (7pm start)at a cost of £20 per delegate
Resolved: Clerks report accepted
- Policing reports
Item brought forward
- District report
Meeting held and a decision made to charge for green bin collections. This will be £43.60 per annum or £1.83 per collection
A compost bin is an alternative.
- County report
Additional funding for children service over the next five years, the aim is to work closer with families and offer more support. Aim is to reduce the amount of children in care. Amount of looked after children has increased significantly over the last three years, money is better invested at an early intervention point.
Council has formed a hub working with other local authorities to work together and work more effectively.
Engineering skills, a national survey has been released an indicates a need for engineers, there are hub sites developing across the county to bridge this gap.
The western relief road in Stafford (A518-A34) is underway
October meeting – a decision took place around reducing the speed along Ivetsey Road, the County Member funds would not cover the full cost of the reduction (anticipated cost of £4k-£5k) The Parish Council need to consider of this is the main priority for the parish or is there another priority
Resolved to continue with the SID installation and review the results and need for a reduction if required
Resolved to move Agenda item 141 (Highways outside Lapley Cemetery) to consider with in put from Cllr Sutton
The condition of the verges/highway is poor due to vehicles using it for parking.
Resolved Cllr Sutton is to investigate what work highways are able to do and will report back, an onsite meeting will take place. Clerk to write to the PCC to advise that the issue has been raised
- Financial matters
- To approve December 2019 expenditure
- To accept the Financial Comparison to 31st December 2019
- To accept the Financial summary to 31st December 2019
- To note payments/decisions made under delegated powers
- Planning Recommendations:
- None received
- No application received after papers sent
- No enforcement cases to note
- No responses sent under delegated powers
- Website review
Resolved to appoint SCC (full package and annual maintenance) to lead the website and terminate the contract with the current provider from April 2020. Set up cost of £500, annual running cost of £150.00, The domain registration will continue at £61 every two years . The current provider costs £235 per annum
- Committee review
- Meeting dates 2020
- 20th February
- 2nd April
- 14th May
- 15th July (Wednesday)
- 3rd September
- 22nd October
- 10th December (Precept 2021/22)
- Birkenshaw Lane Update
No new information to share
- Broadholes Lane Future
Resolved to add to the agenda for the Maintenance working group to give consideration to the area becoming a Community Dog park
140.Support Staffordshire Volunteer Day
Support Staffordshire are trialling a ‘Volunteer day’ at a neighbouring parish and requested that they show case the achievements of Volunteers in Lapley, Stretton and Wheaton Aston . The event would be organised and ran by Support Staffordshire (including the catering for lunch) , the PC would be asked to provide a donation for the lunch for attendees, the suggested cost is £150.
Resolved to contact Support Staffordshire and offer to support the event, to be held at St Marys Church during the wellbeing session between 10am-12pm on a Tuesday (diary to suit Church) and offer a budget of £50 to cover refreshments (not a light lunch)
Resolved to move standing orders to 9.50pm
- Working Group reports
- HR- date to be agreed
- Forward planning, maintenance – due to meet 10th Feb 9.30am
- Christmas Lights– meeting due January, TBC
- Lapley Green– posts to be painted all white, update on the gate given – Clerk to meet with a company to make a recommendation date tbc
- The gate was rehung following the slabs being laid, it is now closing , the posts need to be removed in order for the gate to hang correctly. Posts are next to the utilities box, contractor to be aware and advise accordingly
- Hinges were changed temporarily
- Items for future
Each councillor may use this opportunity to report on matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making.
Birkenshaw Lane
- Date of next meeting: 20th February 2020 at 7.30pm at Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall
Meeting closed 9.50pm
Bank Account Reconciled Statement
Unity Trust – Current Account 1111559/20357843 30-98-00
Statement Number 5
Statement Opening Balance £55,942.44 Opening Date 01/12/19
Statement Closing Balance £19,017.91 Closing Date 31/12/19
True/ Cashbook Closing £19,017.91
Date Cheque/ Ref. Supplier/ Customer Debit (£) Credit (£) Balance (£)
30/11/19 Ch300077 Robert Cox 742.00 0.00 55,200.44
04/12/19 chq000009 Wheaton Aston Community 0.00 1,563.00 56,763.44
First Responders
23/12/19 bac 231219 Crime Commisioner 0.00 2,000.00 58,763.44
24/12/19 Transfer 16,250.00 0.00 42,513.44
31/12/19 dd20191216msd Mainstream Digital Ltd. 11.99 0.00 42,501.45
31/12/19 dd20191217ee EE 19.70 0.00 42,481.75
31/12/19 dd20191231ut Untity Trust 29.70 0.00 42,452.05
31/12/19 fp145505504sgs SGS Systems Limited 5,050.13 0.00 37,401.92
31/12/19 fp193450327tn Turnock Limited 335.40 0.00 37,066.52
31/12/19 fp243115797mb Mr. Malcolm Bissell 6.00 0.00 37,060.52
31/12/19 fp258978271ws Weston Sawmill & Nursery 192.00 0.00 36,868.52
31/12/19 fp348042566do David Ogilvie 1,233.60 0.00 35,634.92
31/12/19 fp417569599tn Turnock Limited 921.60 0.00 34,713.32
31/12/19 fp447579057jm Mrs. Josie Morris 0.00
31/12/19 fp520559216tn Turnock Limited 4,153.80 0.00 30,482.15
31/12/19 fp554717172ap Alistair Price 1,280.00 0.00 29,202.15
31/12/19 fp561619972aed AEDdonate 3,651.00 0.00 25,551.15
31/12/19 fp595964945kd Mrs Karen Daker 9.00 0.00 25,542.15
31/12/19 fp59680953mb Mr. Malcolm Bissell
31/12/19 fp667664235aw Mrs Amy Watson 47.12 0.00 25,271.46
31/12/19 fp692776077hmrc HMRC 594.38 0.00 24,677.08
31/12/19 fp71502902ad Mrs. Alexa Davies
31/12/19 fp731605167spf Staffordshire County Council 667.74 0.00 23,950.71
Superannuation Fund
31/12/19 fp7859497992aw Mrs Amy Watson
31/12/19 fp803675820ssc South Staffordshire District 260.00 0.00 22,238.41
31/12/19 fp819245424lcp Lisa Cooper 75.00 0.00 22,163.41
31/12/19 fp850607881kd Mrs Karen Daker
31/12/19 fp9290961tn Turnock Limited 2,896.80 0.00 19,017.91
Bank Account Reconciled Statement
Unity trust working reserves 20419150 60-83-01
Statement Number 1
Statement Opening Balance £0.00 Opening Date 24/12/19
Statement Closing Balance £16,250.00 Closing Date 31/12/19
True/ Cashbook Closing £16,250.00
Date Cheque/ Ref. Supplier/ Customer Debit (£) Credit (£) Balance (£)
24/12/19 Transfer 0.00 16,250.00 16,250.00
Uncleared and unpresented effects
Financial Budget Comparison
Comparison between 01/04/19 and 31/12/19 inclusive.
Excludes transactions with an invoice date prior to 01/04/19
2019/2020 Actual Net Balance
Parish Council
4 FX card £0.00 £117.00 £117.00
10 Precept £102,242.00 £105,719.00 £3,477.00
20 Grants £0.00 £2,000.00 £2,000.00
32 Unity Trust Bank Interest £120.00 £0.00 -£120.00
40 Miscellaneous £0.00 £1,622.50 £1,622.50
50 Barclay’s Savings Account £0.00 £126.96 £126.96
90 Prizes and Awards £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Total Parish Council £102,362.00 £109,585.46 -£7,223.46
Total Income £102,362.00 £109,585.46 £7,223.46
Parish Council
100 General Administration £26,444.00 £11,372.48 £15,071.52
110 Salaries £42,970.00 £30,859.58 £12,110.42
120 Repairs & Grounds Maintenance £46,000.00 £26,409.81 £19,590.19
130 Villages’ Improvements £4,068.00 £5,121.00 -£1,053.00
140 Play Areas £4,926.00 £854.40 £4,071.60
150 Subscriptions £762.00 £303.00 £459.00
160 Christmas Celebrations £10,168.00 £8,454.47 £1,713.53
170 Debit Card – General Expenses £460.00 £724.20 -£264.20
180 Donations £3,000.00 £2,700.00 £300.00
190 CCTV £8,000.00 £8,760.16 -£760.16
200 Capital Expenditure £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Total Parish Council £146,798.00 £95,559.10 -£51,238.90
Total Expenditure £146,798.00 £95,559.10 £51,238.90
Total Income £102,362.00 £109,585.46 £7,223.46
Total Expenditure £146,798.00 £95,559.10 £51,238.90