Full Parish Council Meeting – 20th February 2020
You are here by summoned to attend a meeting of Lapley, Stretton and Wheaton Aston Parish Council, which will be held on Thursday 20th February 2020 at 7.30 pm at Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall.
The Council, members of the public and the press may record/film/photograph or broadcast this meeting when the public and the press are not lawfully excluded. Any member of the public who attends a meeting and objects to being filmed should advise the Parish Council Manager (in advance) who will instruct that they are not included in the filming.
In order to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, all persons attending this meeting are hereby notified that this meeting will be tape-recorded by the Parish Council. The purpose of taping is that recordings act as an aide-memoire to assist the Parish Council Clerk in the compilation of minutes.
Please ensure that all mobile phones are switched to silent during the Parish Council meeting.
Apologies -decision
To receive and accept apologies.
- Declarations of interest and dispensations -information
To receive declarations of interest and consider dispensation requests & Code of Conduct. –
The only way in which a Councillor can speak about business in which they have an interest is if they have been granted a dispensation by their council. A request for a dispensation has to be made in writing to the Clerk (in advance of the meeting) and to be granted by decision of the Council.
- Signing of the minutes. -decision
To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of 16th January 2020
- Clerks report -information
To receive report from the Parish Clerk
- Policing matters -information
To receive the report from the Police
- District report -information
To receive the report from the District Council. –information
- County report –information
- To receive the report from the County Council
- Speeding issues at Ivetsey Road
- Update on the highways issue outside Lapley Cemetery
- Financial matters -decision
To consider financial matters including:
- To approve the expenditure for January 2020
- To receive the Financial Comparison to 31st January 2020
- To receive the Financial Summary to 31st January 2020
- To note payments/decisions made under delegated powers
- Planning recommendations -decision
To consider planning matters including
- Applications received after papers have been issued
- List of planning decisions received since last meeting
- Enforcement cases-
- To note responses sent under delegated powers
- Birkenshaw Lane update -information
- Stafford Borough Council Local Plans review -decision
To submit a response to the proposed local plan link to Stafford borough local plan consultation
- Support Staffordshire Community Connectors -decision
To consider the grant request to enable to connector role to continue
- BKV competition -decision
To consider entry to the competition. Cost is £27.50 per village
- Working group reports: -information/decision
- HR
Office move update
Employee holidays
Locum clerk (for business continuity)
Additional bank submission signatory
Councillor Protocol
- Forward Planning and Maintenance
To consider the following :
- Ditton Services amendment to schedule, annual cost £11670
- Broadholes Lane- Future of
- Play area inspection update –
* cost for top soil to replace eroded areas around equipment
* this cost is to be budgeted for as part of the annual ground maintenance
- Dog Walk
* extension
* Sign purchase- ‘no dogs allowed sign’
* sign depicting the walks in the parish
- Land for sale at Primrose Close- anticipated costs in the region of £4000
- Lapley Green
*Scheme of management update
*Recommended work to the gate at a cost of £2500 approx, plus £500 for landscaping works
- Verge update- need locations
- Tree planting update-
- Bench replacement at Marston- Remove both damaged benches as highlighted in the play inspection reports and install one between the two locations, bench to be the same as Lapley, budget of £1200
- Climate change policy- budget of £200 from Maintenance contingency required to purchase bug and bird houses
159. Items for future
Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making.
160. Date of next meeting: Thursday 2nd April at 7.30 pm at Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall
In pursuance of the powers contained in section 1 of the above act, I move that the press and public be now
excluded from the meeting on the grounds that the business about to be transacted is of a confidential nature
and that publicity will be prejudicial to the public interest
162.Death of a senior national figure protocol
163.Pension declaration
Parish Council Clerk Mrs. A Watson, 14 February 2020
Crime and Disorder Implications
Crime and Disorder Implications
Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 places a duty on local authorities to consider the
crime and disorder implications when exercising its functions with due regard to the likely effect
of the exercise of those functions and to do all that is reasonably can to prevent crime and
disorder in its area. Where relevant any decisions made at the Parish Council meeting have taken this duty of Care into consideration.
Supporting Paperwork
Clerks Report February 2020
Xmas lights at Lapley and Defib at Lapley have been added to the Council MPAN
Query sent to SSC re the height of the sign for Lapley Road on the triangular grass, concerns
Raised that it obscures the view
Screws replaced on the youth shelter as per inspection report
Metal gate and fence installed on Marston Field
Signs around Lapley pruned by Village Orderly.
Defib signs fixed to various sign posts around Lapley Stretton and Wheaton Aston.
Damaged Lapley sign (on Bickford Road) reported to SCC Highways Ref: 4187286
Broadholes Lane pothole repair scheduled 10th Feb
Lapley Road sign on the triangular piece of land is to be moved to aide motorists view
Temporary emergency road closure Ivetsey Road
link to Stafford borough local plan consultation
13.2.20 Local Councillors training course
27.1.20 Clerk only Death of senior national figure training
10.2.2020 FP& M working group
12.2.2020 HR working group
26th and 27th Feb SLCC conference (PCM)
20.3.2020 Clerk and VO first aid at work course
28.3.2020 SPCA CPRE planning course
Accessibility- ongoing
GDPR- ongoing
Clerks updates received
Governance training (clerk only )
Items emailed to councillors
13.1.2020 D Hayward SCC Three tier working
13.1.2020 H Marshall Changes to policing
13.1.2020 M Sutton SCC road closure details Congreve Lane
14.1.2020 A Ross Support Staffordshire grant request
15.1.2020 SPCA news bulletin
21.1.2020 SSC Land at Primrose Close
22.1.2020 Community Council, BKV competition 2020
27.1.2020 SSC planning application 20/00012/FUL
3.2.2020 Stafford Borough Council New local plans
4.2.2020 Planning application 20/00936/FUL
6.2.2020 M Sutton road closure Ivetsey Road
11.2.2020 SSC D Haywood Place narrative
12.2.2020 Planning application 20/00834/FUL
13.2.2020 SPCA planning course
13.2.2020 SPCA Newsbulletin
Use of devolved powers
£85.00 for first aid at work training
Play equipment budget reduced by £500, Signage reduced by £100 and bark budget increased to £100
Increased village repairs contingency from £850 to £1165 (£315) to meet cost of the new fencing at Marston Field from general reserves
Increased Village improvements general reserve by £4000 for the cost of the SID
Defib cabinet for Old School Court has been ordered
Financial Summary – Cashbook
Summary between 01/04/19 and 31/01/20 inclusive.
Balances at the start of the year
Ordinary Accounts
Barclays savings account £84,823.62
Fair FX prepaid card -£95.41
Unity Trust – Current Account £24,066.44
Unity trust working reserves £0.00
Total £108,794.65
RECEIPTS Net Vat Gross
Parish Council £120,646.98£0.00 £120,646.98
Total Receipts £120,646.98£0.00 £120,646.98
PAYMENTS Net Vat Gross
ParishCouncil£108,231.19 £10,984.43 £119,215.62
Total Payments£108,231.19 £10,984.43 £119,215.62
Closing Balances
Ordinary Accounts
Barclays savings account £84,950.58
Fair FX prepaid card £33.98
Unity Trust – Current Account £8,990.03
Unity trust working reserves £16,251.42
Total £110,226.01
Financial Budget Comparison
Comparison between 01/04/19 and 31/01/20 inclusive.
Excludes transactions with an invoice date prior to 01/04/19
2019/2020 Actual Net Balance
Parish Council
4 FX card £0.00 £117.00 £117.00
10 Precept £102,242.00 £105,719.00 £3,477.00
20 Grants £0.00 £2,000.00 £2,000.00
32 Unity Trust Bank Interest £120.00 £0.00 -£120.00
33 Reserve Account Interest £0.00 £1.42 £1.42
40 Miscellaneous £0.00 £5,776.30 £5,776.30
50 Barclay’s Savings Account £0.00 £126.96 £126.96
90 Prizes and Awards £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Total Parish Council £102,362.00 £113,740.68 -£11,378.68
Total Income £102,362.00 £113,740.68 £11,378.68
Parish Council
100 General Administration £26,444.00 £12,512.37 £13,931.63
110 Salaries £42,970.00 £34,272.60 £8,697.40
120 Repairs & Grounds Maintenance £46,000.00 £29,785.94 £16,214.06
130 Villages’ Improvements £4,068.00 £6,501.14 -£2,433.14
140 Play Areas £4,926.00 £949.40 £3,976.60
150 Subscriptions £762.00 £303.00 £459.00
160 Christmas Celebrations £10,168.00 £11,060.47 -£892.47
170 Debit Card – General Expenses £460.00 £731.64 -£271.64
180 Donations £3,000.00 £2,700.00 £300.00
190 CCTV £8,000.00 £9,400.16 -£1,400.16
200 Capital Expenditure £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Total Parish Council £146,798.00 £108,216.72 -£38,581.28
Total Expenditure £146,798.00 £108,216.72 £38,581.28
Total Income £102,362.00 £113,740.68 £11,378.68
Total Expenditure £146,798.00 £108,216.72 £38,581.28
Funded by reserves £0.00
Total Net Balance -£44,436.00 £5,523.96
Lapley Stretton & Wheaton Aston Parish Council
Expenditure transactions – payments approval list Start of year 01/04/19
Tn no Cheque Gross Heading Invoice Details Cheque
226 fp53655531 £579.95 130/2/2 07/01/20 Seton – Defib Signs £579.95
227 fp7875103o £85.80 07/01/20 Onsite First Aid Training Company – First Aid Training £85.80
1 £42.90 100/3/1 AW
2 £42.90 100/3/2 MB
228 fp92482973 £137.88 120/5 07/01/20 JRB Enterprises Ltd – Dog Bags & Gloves £137.88
257 fp20011530 £126.60 100/6/1 15/01/20 Lapley & Wheaton Aston Village Hall Management £126.60
6244498 Committee – charges oct to dec 2019
258 fxcard £8.94 170 22/01/20 Amazon – bags for accounts £8.94
236 fp35968955 £12.15 23/01/20 Mr. Malcolm Bissell – Expenses – oct £12.15
1 £12.15 100/18/4 Milage
237 pf8142955mb £11.25 23/01/20 Mr. Malcolm Bissell – Expenses – Dec £11.25
1 £11.25 100/18/4 Milage
238 fp68166228 £864.00 130/2/2 23/01/20 AED Donate – Defib for Social Club £864.00
239 fp74511609 £2,160.98 120/1/1 23/01/20 Ditton Services – Grounds Maintenance – 8th & 9th £2,160.98
8ds Instalment
240 fp26784665 £1,080.49 120/1/1 23/01/20 Ditton Services – Grounds Maintenance – 10th £1,080.49
ds Instalment
241 fp54155250 £384.00 120/1/2 23/01/20 A F E B Limited – Lapley Green Work £384.00
242 fp7179113sp £182.75 100/4/1 23/01/20 Staffordshireprint Ltd. – N&V Issue 4 2019 £182.75
243 chq300079 £330.00 100/26 23/01/20 Lapley With Wheaton Aston Parochial Church Council £330.00
– Well Being Sessions
244 chq300078 £52.37 100/17/1 23/01/20 R J Cowley – Christmas calendars Illinois £52.37
245 fp47336635 £2,896.80 160/1/1 23/01/20 Turnock Limited – Christmas Lights £2,896.80
246 fp15672838 £36.00 100/3/1 23/01/20 Edge IT Systems Ltd – YE Webinar £36.00
247 fp39877057 £230.40 160/1/2 23/01/20 St. John Ambulance – Attendance at Light Swtch on £230.40
248 fp70376737 £100.20 100/19/1 23/01/20 Microshade Business Consultants Ltd – Monthly £100.20
8ms Charges – Jan
249 p325704642 £0.67 100/10 23/01/20 Eon Sustainable Energy – CCTV Electricity Charges £0.67
13/02/20 11:20 AM Vs: 8.32.02 Page 1 of 2
Tn no Cheque Gross Heading Invoice Details Cheque
250 fp79939047 £288.00 120/1/6 23/01/20 Ditton Services – Grounds Maintenance – Extra £288.00
9ds Services
251 fp59679739 £39.42 130/2/4 23/01/20 Weston Sawmill & Nursery – Decking £39.42
252 fp25079998 £260.00 100/2 23/01/20 South Staffordshire District Council – Monthly Office £260.00
5ssc Rent -19 Jan -18 Feb
254 fp6575410e £114.00 140/5 23/01/20 EKM Ltd – Spare Parts for Youth Shelter £114.00
255 DD2000011 £7.25 100/10 23/01/20 Mainstream Digital Ltd. – Monthly Charges – Dec £7.25
4msd Charges
256 DD2020011 £19.70 100/10 23/01/20 EE – Monthly Mobile Charges – Jan £19.70
257 £126.60 23/01/20 Wheaton Aston Village Hall meetings charges £126.60
258 £8.94 23/01/20 amazon bags for storage FX card £8.94
259 £17.36 23/01/20 Sign Trader- defib sign clips for post £17.36
Dear Parish Council Member (Letter from Support Staffordshire)
For the last couple of years we have had some funding from South Staffordshire District Council on a project which has helped individuals and groups in the community access support.
The project called ‘Connecting to the Good Life’ is due to end at the end of March, therefore putting the service provided at risk. It facilitates the use of Community Volunteers called Community Connectors who are located in all of our 5 localities in South Staffordshire. We currently have 8 volunteers who come with a great deal of experience and skills and who offer substantial time and effort to support this project.
These Community Connectors support many beneficiaries in our local communities throughout South Staffordshire, who have been either isolated or who may have been suffering from long term health conditions or similar. The Community Connectors in South Staffordshire are the grass roots of Support Staffordshire and are an asset to our organisation. The connectors all offer support by keeping the member community groups and charities up to date on what we can offer them i.e. funding searches, training and infrastructural support, they also keep Support Staffordshire updated with new and emerging community groups and are the eyes and ears of their locality. Currently we have a small amount of funding to support a development worker who co-ordinates and administers the work created by our volunteer connectors, without the funding which we currently receive, the connectors would have no back up support available to them and so we therefore need to look elsewhere to allow this project to continue.
Support Staffordshire is a registered charity which connects, represents and supports community/voluntary organisations through our offices across Staffordshire. We are an established local voluntary organisation with a long local history and have over 930 member groups which help us to champion the voluntary sector and their volunteers and represent their voice in local government.
We are trusted and relied upon by local voluntary groups, the public sector and residents who all engage extensively with our services, volunteer centres and events.
The work Support Staffordshire offers is diverse and worth pointing out that as an organisation, we work closely to support many groups locally and are commissioned by Staffordshire County Council and other local councils through different parts of the county to deliver our services.
We can support bigger charities such as Compton Hospice to smaller groups like a local luncheon club run from a local village hall and can help them to access many of our services such as volunteer recruitment, governance to training and events, without this support many of them would struggle and would have to close. In any eventuality funding Support Staffordshire would be a worthwhile investment to fund, as by supporting us and our volunteer community connectors, various community groups and their service users would continue to benefit.
We are currently in discussions locally to establish what level of funding we can achieve and are now approaching some local parish councils such as yourselves to seek other money from small grants. If there is anything you can do to help us or if you think Support Staffordshire might be considered eligible for other funding, I would be grateful to hear from you as soon as possible to ensure we can continue to support the Community Connectors for the wider benefit of the community.
Lapley, Stretton and Wheaton Aston Parish Council
Policy to tackle Climate Change
What is Lapley, Stretton and Wheaton Aston Parish Council (LSWA PC) already doing?
LSWA PC has already introduced several measures to show its commitment to helping to protect the environment and these are listed below:
- If the office staff cannot make use of waste-paper, it is recycled (except confidential papers) along with recyclable plastic items, cardboard and tins.
- Glass bottles/coffee jars are recycled.
- Using glasses instead of plastic cups, as well as avoiding, where possible, the use of plastic plates and cutlery
- For refreshments at meetings the measures include use of crockery, metal teaspoons, bio degradable teabags and loose coffee and glasses where possible.
- No usage of single use condiments sachets
- Straws are not used in the office or at events (unless required for assistance with drinking).
- Staff try, where possible, to bring in their own lunch therefore reducing the use of single use packaging.
- Soap dispensers are refillable.
- Councillors are encouraged to receive agendas and minutes by e-mail, which is the choice of the majority (although some documents do require printing).
- Goods and services are purchased locally, where possible, to reduce mileage and packaging. In addition, we try to combine meetings to save on travel
- All invitations and correspondence from LSWAPC are sent via e-mail, where possible.
- LSWA PC aims to further reduce the use of single use plastic and paper wherever it can and to make use of further initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint.
- Provision of insect hotels, bird feeders, swift/swallow nests and bird nests in Broadholes Play Area , Lapley Green and Primrose Play Area
- Biodiversity in public spaces. LSWA PC is not responsible for the highway verges, although, it has identified suitable areas that can be replaced with a wildflower area and will work with South Staffs District Council to implement this.
- Trees that are felled due to being dead, diseased or dying, are replaced with native species, where possible, and research is carried out to determine which species benefit the wildlife the most. Where possible, felled trees are to remain on onsite to be used as a natural habitat. Guidance is also sought from the Tree Officer at South Staffordshire District Council .
- Designate and protect sites as local green spaces, new play spaces (formal and informal) and green infrastructure networks, encouraging local residents into the fresh air, walking or cycling rather than using their cars for local journeys . LWA PC are to consider the purchase of map board displaying local walks
- All employees submit online time sheets for work reducing the need for printing and postage
What does LSWA PC plan to do?
LSWA PC is aware that there are still measures to be introduced which include, but are not limited to, the following:
- To comment on small and large planning applications. Planning decisions will be made by the local planning authority, which needs to hear from those that support the applications. The UK needs to increase the amount of renewable energy it generates by around eight-fold. Comments to include how an application can aid the environment, can the application support renewable energy?
- Move to a ‘paperless council’ where councillors will be provided with a tablet for meeting purposes, this will remove the requirement of paper copies in meetings
- Office staff to reduce the paper files held and aim to recue printing by storing files on Citrix
- Engage with the Local Plan and future developments regarding different sources of energy generation, i.e. solar panels.
- Encourage young people to engage with activities which are already taking place.
- Encourage walking by: employees and Councillors should also be encouraged to walk, cycle or use public transport or car-share where possible.
- Encourage residents to increase biodiversity in their back gardens.
- Bring together groups of people for bulk purchases or purchase goods with other local authorities
- Oppose high-carbon developments, promoting sustainable alternatives instead.
- Encourage national changes to bus services regulations, so all areas can regulate buses as London does, and urban profit-making routes can cross-fund loss making rural routes.
- Reduce pesticide use and other harmful activities.
- Encourage residents and local landowners to take part in tree planting. The Tree Charter, developed by the Woodland Trust, provides excellent guidance on how to increase tree cover. The National Association of Local Councils website provides case studies where it has been used[1].
- Buying green electricity helps develop new renewable energy. Friends of the Earth has identified Ecotricity, Good Energy and Octopus as the greenest energy companies.
- Support the introduction of safe walking and cycle routes and, where necessary, work in partnership with the local authority to deliver them. To introduce a ‘map board’ with the local walking routes highlighted
- Ensure the climate change or nature implications of decisions are known before making them. It isn’t credible to accept the need for rapid action on climate change and nature and then make decisions without knowing whether they’ll be harmful or helpful. Requiring every decision to be well informed is common sense as well as good practice.
This Action Plan will be a flexible, working document that can be added to when required.
- Friends of the Earth, October 2019, 20 actions parish and town councils can take on the climate and nature emergency – Friends of the Earth Demonstrate leadership through your own practical actions
- The relationship between councillors and employees is an essential ingredient that goes into the successful working of the organisation. This relationship within Lapley, Stretton and Wheaton Aston Parish Council is characterised by mutual respect, informality and trust. Councillors and employees feel free to speak to one another openly and honestly. Nothing in this Protocol is intended to change this relationship. The purpose of this Protocol is rather to help councillors and employees to perform effectively by giving guidance on their respective roles and expectations and on their relationship with each other. The Protocol also gives guidance on what to do on the rare occasions when things go wrong. Responsibility for the operation of this Protocol lies with the Parish Council Manager
- The Protocol must be read and operated in the context of any relevant legislation and national and local Codes of Conduct and any procedure for confidential reporting.
- The respective roles of councillors and employees can be summarised as follows:
Councillors and employees are servants of the public and they are indispensable to one another. But their responsibilities are distinct. Councillors are responsible to the electorate and serve only so long as their term of office lasts. Employees are responsible to the Council. Their job is to give advice to Councillors and the Council, and to carry out the Council’s work under the direction of the Council and relevant working groups, committees, panels, etc.
Mutual respect between Councillors and employees is essential to good local government.
- Councillors
Councillors have three main areas of responsibility: determining the policy of the Council and giving it Leadership, representing the Council externally, and acting as advocates on behalf of their constituents. It is not the role of members to involve themselves in the day to day management of Council services.
- The Chairman and Chairmen of working groups
Members of working groups and Chairmen of Committees, Panels etc have additional responsibilities. Because of those responsibilities, their relationships with employees may be different from, and more complex than those of councillors without those responsibilities, and this is recognised in the expectations they are
entitled to have.
- Opposition Members
As individual members of the Council, all councillors have the same rights and obligations in their relationship with employees and should be treated equally. This principle is particularly important in the context of scrutiny and overview. However, where a political group forms an administration, either alone or in partnership with another group or groups, it is recognised that the relationship between employees, particularly those at a senior level in the organisation, and the administration will differ from that with opposition groups.
- Employees
The role of employees is to give advice and information to members and to implement the policies determined by the Council.
Certain employees e.g. Parish Council Manager have delegated powers which are exercised at their discretion and, usually, reported to the Chairman followed by Council via the Clerks report
Councillors can expect from employees:
- A commitment to the Council as a whole, and not to any political group
- A working partnership
- An understanding of and support for respective roles, workloads and pressures
- Timely response to enquiries and complaints
- Professional advice, not influenced by political views or preference, which does not compromise the political neutrality of employees.
- Regular, up to date information on matters that can reasonably be considered appropriate and relevant to their needs, having regard to any individual responsibilities that they have and positions that they hold
- Awareness of and sensitivity to the political environment
- Respect, dignity and courtesy
- Training and development in order to carry out their role effectively
- Integrity, mutual support and appropriate confidentiality
- Not to have personal issues raised with them by employees outside the agreed procedures
- That employees will not use their relationship with members to advance their personal interests or to influence decisions improperly
- That employees will at all times comply with the relevant Code of Conduct
Employees can expect from councillors:
- A working partnership
- An understanding of and support for respective roles, workloads and pressures
- Political Leadership and direction
- Respect, dignity and courtesy
- Integrity, mutual support and appropriate confidentiality
- Not to be subject to bullying or to be put under undue pressure. Members should have regard to the seniority of employees in determining what are reasonable requests, having regard to the power relationship between members and employees, particularly at junior levels
- That councillors will not use their position or relationship with employees to advance their personal interests or those of others or to influence decisions improperly
- That councillors will at all times comply with the relevant Code of Conduct
Procedure for employees
- From time to time the relationship between councillors and employees may break down or become strained. Whilst it will always be preferable to resolve matters informally, through conciliation by an appropriate senior manager or councillor, employees will have recourse to the Harassment and Grievance Procedures or to the District Council’s Monitoring Officer, as appropriate to the circumstances. In the event of a grievance or complaint being upheld, the matter will be referred to the Parish Council Manager, who, having advised the Chairman and the appropriate working group/panel will decide on the course of action to be taken.
Procedure for Councillors
- In the event that a councillor is dissatisfied with the conduct, behaviour or performance of an employee, the matter should be raised with the Parish Council Manager. Where the employee concerned is the Parish Council Manager the matter should be raised with the Chairman.
It may be necessary to consider mediation or invoke more formal employment procedures depending on the circumstances.
4.3 A grievance and disciplinary policy is in place if required
[1] NALC website, The Tree Charter, link to the NALC website for information on the tree charter.
Minutes of the Meeting of Lapley, Stretton & Wheaton Aston Parish Council held on Thursday 20th February 2020 at Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall
In Attendance:
Cllr T Noblett Wheaton Aston (Chairman
Cllr W Millington Wheaton Aston (Vice Chairman)
Cllr Sue Whittingham Wheaton Aston
Cllr V Renfrew Lapley
Cllr R Nelson Wheaton Aston
Cllr S Whittingham Wheaton Aston
Cllr A Anderson Stretton
Cllr M Smith Wheaton Aston
Also in Attendance:
Mrs A Watson Parish Council Manager
PCSO Lloyd
Two members of the public (for part of the meeting)
Cllr B Cox Staffordshire District Council
Cllr M Griffiths Lapley
Cllr M Sutton Staffordshire County Council
Cllr V Jackson Staffordshire District Council
Cllr B Cross Wheaton Aston
Cllr E Dadd Stretton
Public Forum
A letter was given to the PC for consideration regarding land for sale near Lapley Church, the PCC are considering extending the burial ground into this land in the future. The PCC cannot afford the purchase and are seeking the PC to purchase this land.
The anticipated need is for further burial ground is 25 years in the future, current suggestion is that the area could be used as a car parking facility. When there is a need for further burial ground the PCC would hope for the donation of the land from the Parish Council. The land has been valued at £20k. An expression of interest from another party has been made therefore the request from the PCC is urgent. Parish Chairman responded that the Council will consider this at a future meeting, the PC will need to seek legal advice
A representative from WASPS (Wheaton Aston Surveillance and Protection) introduced himself to the PC. Council were questioned if they had considered the increase in crime. Chairman confirmed that the council are aware of the increase and had been looking into the distribution of Ring door bells and Smart water
The representative proposed the following:
Could the power from the columns that supply the Christmas lights connect cameras to them? Clerk commented that this would need to be address to SSC as they have purchased mobile CCTV cameras specifically for lighting columns. One is already in situ in Wheaton Aston
Chairman advised to send the suggestions in writing to the PC for further consideration.
CCTV on entrance and exits to the village is expensive, however WASPS are interested in furthering this project.
8.00pm. Chairman imposed standing orders-
Resolved to bring agenda item 149 forward and invited PCSO Lloyd to present.
Crime trends this month- 2 burglaries in Wheaton Aston centred around one property. Not related to recent other activity. This has been dealt with and referred to South Staffs Housing. 3 reports of criminal damage, encouraged to report any information.
In relation to the crime spike over Christmas – an arrest has been made and a reduction of organised car crime has reduced. However, other thefts have recently started concerning jewellery in other areas in the district
Police reports have been discontinued, all information can be found online. Attendance at the meetings will be to give current crime trend that can be shared.
Concerns raised that police attendance around the parish has decreased, particularly in the evenings. All are encouraged to report any complaints to the Sargent. Neighbourhood teams work through the nights and response teams are available.
8.10pm PCSO Lloyd left the meeting
- To consider apologies
Apologies and reasons of absence were accepted from Cllr Sutton, Cllr Cross, Cllr Jackson, Cllr
Griffiths , Cllr Cox and Cllr Dadd
- Declaration of Interest/Dispensation
None to declare
- Signing of the minutes
The minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 16th January 2020 were signed as a
true and correct copy.
148.Clerks Report
Clerks Report February 2020
Xmas lights at Lapley and Defib at Lapley have been added to the Council MPAN
Query sent to SSC re the height of the sign for Lapley Road on the triangular grass, concerns raised
that it obscure the view
Screws replaced on the youth shelter as per inspection report
Metal gate and fence installed on Marston Field
Signs around Lapley pruned by Village Orderly.
Defib signs fixed to various sign posts around Lapley and Wheaton Aston.
Damaged Lapley sign (on Bickford Road) reported to SCC Highways Ref: 4187286
Broadholes Lane pothole repair scheduled 10th Feb
Lapley Road sign on the triangular piece of land is to be moved to aide motorists view
Temporary emergency road closure Ivetsey Road
link to Stafford borough local plan consultation
13.2.20 Local Councillors training course
27.1.20 Clerk only Death of senior national figure training
10.2.2020 FP& M working group
12.2.2020 HR working group
20.3.2020 Clerk and VO first aid at work course
28.3.2020 SPCA PRE planning course
Accessibility- ongoing
GDPR- ongoing
Clerks updates received
Governance training (clerk only)
Items emailed to councillors
13.1.2020 D Hayward SCC Three tier working
13.1.2020 H Marshall Changes to policing
13.1.2020 M Sutton SCC road closure details Congreve Lane
14.1.2020 A Ross Support Staffordshire grant request
15.1.2020 SPCA news bulletin
21.1.2020 SSC Land at Primrose Close
22.1.2020 Community Council, BKV competition 2020
27.1.2020 SSC planning application 20/00012/FUL
3.2.2020 Stafford Borough Council New local plans
4.2.2020 Planning application 20/00936/FUL
6.2.2020 M Sutton road closure Ivetsey Road
11.2.2020 SSC D Haywood Place narrative
12.2.2020 Planning application 20/00834/FUL
13.2.2020 SPCA planning course
13.2.2020 SPCA Newsbulletin
Use of devolved powers£85.00 for first aid at work training
Play equipment budget reduced by £500, Signage reduced by £100 and bark budget increased to £900
Increased village repairs contingency from £850 to £1165 (£315) to meet cost of the new fencing at Marston Field from general reserves
Increased Village improvements general reserve by £4000 for the cost of the SID
Defib cabinet for Old School Court has been ordered
Clerk updated a there are cheaper offers online to purchase ring door bells 2 and had asked
residents to commit by 21st February 2020. Staffs police and SSC have advised that they are be able
to support the PC in reducing the cost of smart water for residents by up to 50%. Resolved to
advertise smart water and assess the uptake, with a 50/50 costs met by residents and SSC grant.
PC to purchase signage if the uptake is sufficient. Clerk to produce leaflets and request that WASPS
assist Cllr Renfrew, Cllr Sue Whittingham, Cllr Anderson and Cllr Millington to circulate with a
closing date to register interest by 17th March 2020. If the project is successful the PC will purchase
signage using the signage budget, no need to bring back to PC for further costs .
Resolved: Clerks report accepted
- Police information
Item brought forward
- District report
- County report
Cllr Sutton sent the following update in his absence:
As you know I met with Parish Councillors and Highways outside the cemetery in Lapley. Requirements were discussed and the SCC officer will obtain costs. I have not had a response yet.
I have my meeting with Highways on 2 April to discuss my DHP spend for this coming financial year, so I will not be able to update before then.
In both cases a lot will depend on how much the Parish is prepared to put in.
The cost of the Ivetsey Road 30mph extension would be about 4-5K.
Highways on Church Lane is to be confirmed.
Resolved: PC are to consider which project is to be prioritised in 2020 once all cost are received. Suggestion: a SID is going to be erected at Ivetsey Road and the impact of this should be monitored before committing further expenditure to this area
- Financial matters
a)To approve January 2020 expenditure
b)To accept the Financial Comparison to 31st January 2020
c)To accept the Financial summary to 31st January 2020
d)To note payments/decisions made under delegated powers
- Planning Recommendations:
- a) Resolved to comment: 20/00012/FUL- ‘No objection’
19/00936/FUL- ‘Object on the basis that the canopy is too large and the preference would be for the canopy to be more discreet’
19/00834/FUL- ‘No objection on the provision that it remains a gym for personal use’
b)No applications received after papers sent
c)No enforcement cases to note
d)No responses sent under delegated powers
- Birkenshaw Lane
No new information at present. A response is expected to reach the planning inspectorate by 27th February 2020
- Stafford Borough Council Local Plans review
Resolved: not to comment
- Support Staffordshire Community Connectors
A grant request from Support Staffordshire has been received to support the Community Connector scheme. Resolved: the precept has been set for 2020-21 and there is not any funds to support this at this point, however a grant request would be welcomed in September for the precept of 2021-2022
157.BKV Competition
Resolved: to enter Lapley into the competition at a cost of £27. Budget to be spent according to the work required. Cllr Renfrew to litter pick
- Working Group reports
HR: Office update – Resolved HR group to consider purchasing a wooden cabin/shed to aid working from home which will be the councils registered address (not mailing address) expected costs
are circa £8k set up and expected saving per year are approx. £5k. The HR group will investigate and report back to PC for a decision at the next meeting
Holidays – employees to take over any requested unused holiday to 2020/21
Locum clerk– To appoint Mrs B Hodgetts as a locum clerk for business continuity
(three fold plan of action) purposes, PCM to begin writing a business continuity
Plan. PCM to write to Mrs Hodgetts detailing the role.
Additional signatory Resolved to approve Cllr W Millington as a signatory to submit payments from the Unity Trust bank account in the absence of the PCM and AC. Anyone submitting a payment cannot authorise the same payment. This is for business continuity purposes
Councillor protocol Resolved to accept the protocol and implement immediately.
Forward planning, maintenance –Ditton Services schedule– Resolved to accept the amended schedule of works with annual cost of £11607.This is subject to change as permission to maintain the green in Wheaton Aston and land at Primrose Close is outstanding. Both of these have been budgeted for and will be added to the contract when the relevant permission to maintain is in place.
Broadholes Lane Play Area- Resolved: *to continue for 2020 in current format and consider ideas for the future. Councillors requested to consider ideas
*PCM to issue gate keeper contract
Play area inspection update:Resolved: * costs for top soil to replace eroded areas around equipment, a budget of £400 set , pmc to find quotes and repair
* this cost is to be budgeted for as part of the annual ground maintenance scheduled as it is a reoccurring item on the play inspection reports
Dog Walk-Resolved: *not to extend the area at this point or gravel
*to purchase ‘No dogs allowed’ signs for Marston Field and signs advising dogs are to be exercised in the dog walk only at both entrances of the field- Clerk to source and to purchase keeping within the already approved budget for signage
* to raise awareness on what the walks are in the Parish
Clerk to investigate a board map depicting walks in the parish and advise at a future meeting
Standing orders. Meeting extended to 9.40pm
Land for sale at Primrose Close–Resolved not to purchase at this point and to maintain as previously suggested to SSC. Clerk to request that SSC keep the PC informed should the land go up for sale on a wider basis, this decision will be reconsidered at this point
Lapley Green-*The scheme of management for when the green is registered is being considered and the FP&PM working group will meet again. At this point it was resolved not to permit the launching of drones or other model air craft, fireworks and lanterns, landing of hot air balloons, no camping or caravanning and no fires or candles. Fencing is to be permitted.
A working group is to be held on 12th March 10am ahead of the meeting with Staffordshire County Council
A quote of approx. £2500 has been received to repair the gate at Lapley Green in addition to this cost some excavation work will be required at an approximate cost of £500.
Photographs have been sent of the current repair work to the SSC conservation officer who has confirmed that as the gate is not listed there is not additional permission requirements for the work and the work is acceptable. Resolved to vote on the work, votes for carrying out the work – 1, votes against carrying out the work- 7, abstain- 0. Work is not be carried out
Standing orders meeting extended until 9.50pm
Verge update– need locations as a matter of urgency
Tree planting update– awaiting authority to plant at St Marys School
Bench replacement at Marston Resolved: – Remove both damaged benches as highlighted in the play inspection reports and install one between the two locations, bench to be the same as Lapley, budget of £1200 set in the 2020/21 precept
Climate Change Policy Resolved: To purchase six insect houses for primrose and 4 bird houses Lapley Green- , 2 bird boxes and two insect houses budget of £200 from general reserves. Policy accepted
Christmas Lights– meeting due in April
- Items for future
Each councillor may use this opportunity to report on matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making.
Birkenshaw Lane
Car Park at Lapley
- Date of next meeting: 2nd April 2020 at 7.30pm at Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall
Meeting suspended 9 pm
Reconvened at 9.02pm
In pursuance of the powers contained in section 1 of the above act I move that
The Press and public be now excluded from the meeting on the grounds that
the business about to be transacted is of a confidential nature and that
publicity will be prejudicial to the interest of the public.
162.Death of a senior national figure protocol
Resolved: Confidential protocol accepted
163.Pension declaration
Resolved: to contact all employees identifying the scheme. PCM and AC offered the PC
Meeting closed 9.50pm
Crime and Disorder Implications
Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 places a duty on local authorities to consider the
crime and disorder implications when exercising its functions with due regard to the likely effect
of the exercise of those functions and to do all that is reasonably can to prevent crime and
disorder in its area. Where relevant any decisions made at the Parish Council meeting have taken this duty of Care into consideration.
Bank Account Reconciled Statement
Unity Trust – Current Account 1111559/20357843 30-98-00
Statement Number 5
Statement Opening Balance £55,942.44 Opening Date 01/12/19
Statement Closing Balance £19,017.91 Closing Date 31/12/19
True/ Cashbook Closing £19,017.91
Date Cheque/ Ref. Supplier/ Customer Debit (£) Credit (£) Balance (£)
30/11/19 Ch300077 Robert Cox 742.00 0.00 55,200.44
04/12/19 chq000009 Wheaton Aston Community 0.00 1,563.00 56,763.44
First Responders
23/12/19 bac 231219 Crime Commisioner 0.00 2,000.00 58,763.44
24/12/19 Transfer 16,250.00 0.00 42,513.44
31/12/19 dd20191216msd Mainstream Digital Ltd. 11.99 0.00 42,501.45
31/12/19 dd20191217ee EE 19.70 0.00 42,481.75
31/12/19 dd20191231ut Untity Trust 29.70 0.00 42,452.05
31/12/19 fp145505504sgs SGS Systems Limited 5,050.13 0.00 37,401.92
31/12/19 fp193450327tn Turnock Limited 335.40 0.00 37,066.52
31/12/19 fp243115797mb Mr. Malcolm Bissell 6.00 0.00 37,060.52
31/12/19 fp258978271ws Weston Sawmill & Nursery 192.00 0.00 36,868.52
31/12/19 fp348042566do David Ogilvie 1,233.60 0.00 35,634.92
31/12/19 fp417569599tn Turnock Limited 921.60 0.00 34,713.32
31/12/19 fp447579057jm Mrs. Josie Morris 0.00
31/12/19 fp520559216tn Turnock Limited 4,153.80 0.00 30,482.15
31/12/19 fp554717172ap Alistair Price 1,280.00 0.00 29,202.15
31/12/19 fp561619972aed AEDdonate 3,651.00 0.00 25,551.15
31/12/19 fp595964945kd Mrs Karen Daker 9.00 0.00 25,542.15
31/12/19 fp59680953mb Mr. Malcolm Bissell
31/12/19 fp667664235aw Mrs Amy Watson 47.12 0.00 25,271.46
31/12/19 fp692776077hmrc HMRC 594.38 0.00 24,677.08
31/12/19 fp71502902ad Mrs. Alexa Davies
31/12/19 fp731605167spf Staffordshire County Council 667.74 0.00 23,950.71
Superannuation Fund
31/12/19 fp7859497992aw Mrs Amy Watson
31/12/19 fp803675820ssc South Staffordshire District 260.00 0.00 22,238.41
31/12/19 fp819245424lcp Lisa Cooper 75.00 0.00 22,163.41
31/12/19 fp850607881kd Mrs Karen Daker
31/12/19 fp9290961tn Turnock Limited 2,896.80 0.00 19,017.91
Bank Account Reconciled Statement
Unity trust working reserves 20419150 60-83-01
Statement Number 1
Statement Opening Balance £0.00 Opening Date 24/12/19
Statement Closing Balance £16,250.00 Closing Date 31/12/19
True/ Cashbook Closing £16,250.00
Date Cheque/ Ref. Supplier/ Customer Debit (£) Credit (£) Balance (£)
24/12/19 Transfer 0.00 16,250.00 16,250.00
Uncleared and unpresented effects
Financial Budget Comparison
Comparison between 01/04/19 and 31/12/19 inclusive.
Excludes transactions with an invoice date prior to 01/04/19
2019/2020 Actual Net Balance
Parish Council
4 FX card £0.00 £117.00 £117.00
10 Precept £102,242.00 £105,719.00 £3,477.00
20 Grants £0.00 £2,000.00 £2,000.00
32 Unity Trust Bank Interest £120.00 £0.00 -£120.00
40 Miscellaneous £0.00 £1,622.50 £1,622.50
50 Barclay’s Savings Account £0.00 £126.96 £126.96
90 Prizes and Awards £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Total Parish Council £102,362.00 £109,585.46 -£7,223.46
Total Income £102,362.00 £109,585.46 £7,223.46
Parish Council
100 General Administration £26,444.00 £11,372.48 £15,071.52
110 Salaries £42,970.00 £30,859.58 £12,110.42
120 Repairs & Grounds Maintenance £46,000.00 £26,409.81 £19,590.19
130 Villages’ Improvements £4,068.00 £5,121.00 -£1,053.00
140 Play Areas £4,926.00 £854.40 £4,071.60
150 Subscriptions £762.00 £303.00 £459.00
160 Christmas Celebrations £10,168.00 £8,454.47 £1,713.53
170 Debit Card – General Expenses £460.00 £724.20 -£264.20
180 Donations £3,000.00 £2,700.00 £300.00
190 CCTV £8,000.00 £8,760.16 -£760.16
200 Capital Expenditure £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Total Parish Council £146,798.00 £95,559.10 -£51,238.90
Total Expenditure £146,798.00 £95,559.10 £51,238.90
Total Income £102,362.00 £109,585.46 £7,223.46
Total Expenditure £146,798.00 £95,559.10 £51,238.90