Full Parish Council Meeting – July 2019
Minutes of the Meeting of Lapley, Stretton & Wheaton Aston Parish Council held on Thursday 4th July 2019 at Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall
In Attendance: Cllr T Noblett Wheaton Aston (Chairman)
Cllr Sue Whittingham Wheaton Aston
Cllr R Nelson Wheaton Aston
Cllr. M. Griffiths Lapley
Cllr A Anderson Stretton
Cllr V Renfrew Lapley
Cllr W Millington Wheaton Aston
Cllr B. Cross Wheaton Aston
Cllr M Smith Wheaton Aston
Also in Attendance: Mrs A Watson Parish Clerk
2 members of the public
PCSO Stevens
M Keeling Officer Staffordshire County Council
Apologies: Cllr B Cox Staffordshire District Council
Cllr M Sutton Staffordshire Country Council
Public forum.
6.45pm, Chairman imposed standing orders
- To consider apologies
Apologies and reasons of absence were accepted from Cllr B Cox and Cllr M Sutton
31.Declaration of Interest/Dispensation
Cllr Sue Whittingham agenda item 45 Maintenance Tree Work (pecuniary) and non-pecuniary for
Chairman suspended standing orders at 6.50pm and invited representatives from AEDdonate and
Community first responders, invited to speak with the Council
- Defibrillator Presentation
A representative from AEDdonate presented to the Council about the importance of numerous defibrillators in the area and offered support to fund raise for the PC to purchase additional defibs.
The aim of Aeddonate Charity is to improve the chance of survival in the case of sudden cardiac arrest. The charity aims to involve the community to raise the finds to install additional defibrillators.
The charity can assist with the purchase of equipment- estimated costs of cabinet installation, rescue ready kit, support and training is £1999. Data from WMAS has been received and Staffordshire 1000 project launch with the aim to install 1000 more defibs in the County, currently only 400 defibs are accessible to the public. Coverage in South Staffs is particular poor. Emergency response time in the area is around 10 minutes and 22 seconds (source WMAS)
The charity can look at what meets the community needs and work with the PC to install any Additional requirements. Queried about on on-going costs – no ongoing costs from Charity, replacements pads and batteries will be required. Charity will liaise directly with hosting sites.
Fundraising options- charity have a fundraising manger will offer support, can set up website (crowdfunding) Business are canvassed for support. Business can sponsor a defib and will receive advertising in return
A representative from the Community First Responders confirmed that they are able to donate two defibrillators s to the Parish Council and gave details about using the defibrillators. CFRS offer the Heart Start Course. Currently only one defib in Wheaton Aston at the moment and welcome the support of the PC. All parties are wiling to work collectively to improve the access within the parish
Representatives from AEDdonate and Community First Responders left the meeting 7.15pm
Standing orders imposed 7.15pm
33.Signing of the minutes
The minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on 16th May 2019 were signed as a
true and correct copy.
34.Code of Conduct
All councillors have signed the Code of Conduct
35.Clerks Report
June 2019
Valuation Office Agency return completed 23.5.19
28.05.19 – Complaint received from resident of Primrose Close regarding grass not being cut down alleyway. Complaint passed to South Staffs District Council who are responsible for cutting the grass.
30.05.19 – Damaged to wooden gate on Marston Field reported to 101. Crime Ref FZ/42596/2019.
Road Closure details https://apps.roadworks.org/downloads/tm/rg_road-closure-ttro-second-notice-111833358-3133950.pdf
Letter of thanks received from Brewood Voluntary Car scheme for the donation of £1000.00
Concerns raised re the condition of the pavements outs ide St Marys School. Local highways officer has been engaged with this
Pictures of flooding on Marston Field sent to Highways to support application for the drains to be jetted
18.6.19 Damaged road sign reported
BLPA – Willow dome – some willow wands in the roof and side have been pulled down now repaired
BLPA – raised seats in story corner, VO to repair
M.F. – Pendulum – top pivot plate is loose – VO to repair
M.F.- gate wooden gate badly vandalised, VO repaired- item to be added for replacement in next years Budget
Benches- VO to vanish parish owned benches
Dog Fouling campaign- Two councillors have been trained on stencilling
Dog faeces warning notices – VO to erect additional notices .
Vo to replace pin board at WA notice board, Council to consider replacing Stretton notice board
SCC Statement of Community Involvement Consultation (closing date 24.7.19)
29th May 2019 and 18th June 2019 Local Councillor Training Courses
19.6.19 Maintenance working group 10am
May 2019 Council approved Clerk to attend a Health and Safety workshop organised by SCC. The dates have been altered and are yet TBC. Clerk has confirmed to hold a place for LSWA PC
Items emailed to councillors
14.5.19 Planning app 19/00388/TREE
16.5.19 SPCA Newsletter
23.5.19 SPCA Newsbulletin
5.6.19 SPCA Bulletin 30.5.19
6.6.19 SPCA Bulletin 6.6.19
5.6.19 M Sutton Road Closure PTTRO 4140811 Stretton Road, Stretton
11.6.19 Planning app 19/00450/FUL
13.6.19 SPCA Newbulletin
13.6.19 SSC Statement of Community Involvement Consultation
18.6.19 Western Power Defib connection
18.6.19 SGS costing for CCTV project
20.6.19 SPCA newsbulletin
Use of devolved powers
Replacement swing seats ordered fro Primrose Play areas, cost £205.14 Wickstead
Play area inspections booked for September
Planning Decisions
18/00392/REM – Granted Subject to Conditions
18/00167/FUL – Granted Subject to Conditions
18/00647/FUL – Granted Subject to Conditions
18/00945/FUL – Granted Subject to Conditions
19/00076/VAR – Granted Subject to Conditions
PCM advised the cost for the finger post maintenance this year is £742.00
Resolved: Clerks report accepted
36.Policing reports
Public bodies can only disclose information if they have the power to do so. Section 115 of the Crime and Disorder Act provides a power to exchange information where disclosure is necessary to support the local Crime Reduction Strategy and Partnership in achieving the aims of the Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy and objectives outlined within it.
The degree of disclosure that takes place must be proportionate and relevant to the level of social ill or criminality it is intended to counter or prevent.
The information is only to be processed in relation to crime and disorder purposes. Information will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the Human Rights Act 1998 and any other relevant legislation governing disclosures and will ultimately be disposed of in a secure manner.
This Police Report covers the dates from 16/05/2019 – 04/07/2019.
Over this period of time there have been no crime trends to report or any burglaries or thefts that have taken place. We’ve had two reported incidents of criminal damage caused, these incidents have both taken place on the Marston Road plying fields.
Also over this period of time there has been the following Anti-Social Behaviour incidents…
Marston Road playing fields, report of youths gathering at the location drinking, taking drugs and racing vehicles up and down the road.
Springfield Drive, report of youths throwing eggs at a resident’s property.
Local patrols will continue to monitor these locations to identify any persons causing issues or problems.
Pcso Lloyd & Price have Police Surgeries in place over the next month.
The following surgeries are…
31/07/2019: St Marys Church – 10:30hrs – 11:30hrs.
05/09/2019: Wheaton Aston Village Hall – 18:30hrs – 19:30hrs.
Police are aware of the delays on 101 and advise to report via social media (Staffordshire Police
via messenger for Facebook and Direct message on Twitter) Concerns that many parishioners may
not have access.
Resolved to write to Staffordshire police and express concerns about length of call wait and social
Media accessibility
ANPR cameras would be a benefit in crime reduction
PCSO Lloyd and PCSO Stevens left the meeting 7.40pm
37.District report
38.County report
- Financial matters
- To accept the financial budget comparison to 30th June 2019
- To accept the Financial Summary to 30th June 2019
- To approve April, May and June 2019 expenditure
- To note payments/decisions made under delegated powers
PCM noted that there is an outstanding Vat return from 2018/2019
40.Planning Recommendations:
- Application 19/00268/FUL – ‘No objection’
Application 19/00450/FUL –‘ Concerns about the proximity of the proposed outside
wall to the boundary’
- applications received after papers have been issued-
- C) List of planning decisions received since last meeting- 18/00392/REM – Granted Subject
to Conditions
- 18/00167/FUL – Granted Subject to Conditions
- 18/00647/FUL – Granted Subject to Conditions
- 18/00945/FUL – Granted Subject to Conditions
- 19/00076/VAR – Granted Subject to Conditions
- To note enforcement cases – None
- To note responses sent– no update on resubmission from 19//00140/FUL
- Children’s poster competition
Resolved a winner was selected, PCM to purchase appropriate books for £30
- Committee membership Subscriptions:
Resolved membership for the forthcoming year
- Scheme of delegation
Resolved: To accept the Scheme of Delegation and implement immediately
- Birkenshaw Lane.
The Planning Inspectorate has notified SSC that LSWA PC has applied under paragraph 3(2) of Schedule 14 to the Secretary of State for a direction requiring the authority to determine the application by 22nd July 2019.
It is expected that by this date the Planning Inspectorate will receive notification of the stage that the application is at and an expected date for conclusion.
- Working Group reports
- Christmas Lights- meeting 6th August 5pm
- HR- confidential at the end
- Maintenance- Resolved:
- to install a two camera CCTV system at Marston field with SGS at a cost of £4208.44 (ex vat)
- SGS are to provide a maintenance service including a monitoring system, cost £576 annually. PCM to obtain DBS checks and relevant policies
- A new power supply will be required, Eon is to provide this at a cost of £812 PCM to apply for MPAN.
- The cabinet is to be located on PC owned land and not on school land as previously anticipated, a planning amendment will b required to reflect this change
- Electrical connection work and base installation is to be completed by Potters Electrical, budget set of £2200 for all (inc Eon work) electrical work
- To apply to the Police, Fire and Rescue and Crime Commissioner People Power Fund for funding for financial assistance of £3000
- The cost of this is to be met by the reserve fund ‘Drainage’ and Pc to consider replacing this fund at the net precept . a budget of £8000 has been set to complete the project
Cllr Sue Whittingham left the meeting 8.05pm
Tree work cost of remaining work from tree report £2105-appoint Afeb
- Cllr Whittingham returned to the meeting at 8.10pm
Top Soil replace top soil in areas at Marston Field £300 (ex vat)-appoint
Ditton Services (budget- surfacing replacement)
Notice board to replace with the same notice board as Lapley, £700 for the
board only https://www.greenbarnes.co.uk
Photocopier– renew with Ricoh on a three year lease for £965 per year
Defibrillators: two defibrillators have been donated by the Community First responders.
The PC is initially to install these at Lapley and Stretton. Further project to begin with
AEDdonate to raise for funds for further defibs in the Parish. A Committee with
devolved powers comprising of has been founded to execute the project . The Terms of
reference have been approved and a initial budget for the initial two defibs of £2950
(£950 current allocation for defibrillators and £2000 from long term projects) is to be set
PCM to begin the process to take over the power supply to the Phone Box in preparation
Committee membership p : Cllr Neslon, Cllr, V Renfrew, Cllr A Anderson Cllr Sue , Cllr W
Millington and invite D Leaper from CFRS to join.
IT Outsource: quotes were received from Microshade and Qubic (third unable to quote)
for the outsourcing of data following the end of the three year contract with
Microshade. Resolved to continue with Microshade on a rolling contract
Ditch defer item
Lapley: contractor has confirmed that the following points which are outstanding will
Be completed:
- Bench reinstalled
- Notice board installation
- Replacement Christmas tree
- Tidy up of the area where the hedge was cut back
PCM has requested the Ditton Services begin cutting the green
Meeting at 9am 9.7.19 with VO to consider further fencing
46.Phone Kiosk Lapley
Resolved: To sign and return the contract to BT to install a defibrillator cabinet. The Cabinet will be supplied by BT partner Community Heartbeat Trust to comply with the requirements outlined in the contract. LSWA PC understands the obligation to maintain the Kiosk
- ‘Snub the Hub’
2nd June 2019
To keep you informed of latest information and developments since my last update.
The SnubTheHub group have made written submissions for deadline 2 (5th April) and deadline 3 (24th April).
At deadline 2 we submitted 8 full reports and at deadline 3 the applicants responded and made comments on those reports.
Deadline 4 has expired on the 14th June where the group have responded back to the applicant.
WC 3rd June – 3rd and 4th June were official site visits and interested parties who have expressed an interest in attending were invited, needless to say members of the group attended.
4th & 5th June were the oral hearings at the Premier Suite in Cannock. The agenda for those days were posted on the PI website but on the 4th and covered:
- Rail connectivity – there is a concern that warehousing will be built without the adequate rail connectivity.
- Proposed travel plan – this will cover the A449 amongst other things.
- A5 West of Gailey – this is of particular concern as this has been sited as the secondary HGV route.
Also on this note, as a concerned resident, I have been in contact with the MP’s and County Cllr, our District Councillors, highways, Kier and Staffs Road Safety Partnership about this section of A5 (Gailey to Weston), especially with the recent closures on the M54.
The road is far to fast and dangerous with many HGV’s using it to rat run and we are deeply concerned with what Four Ashes Limited want to do in respect of WMI. This is also given that from the A449 through Penkridge to the M6 J13 they are proposing a lorry ban!
The 5th June will cover the Development Consent Order, Compulsory purchase orders and Environmental issues.
I was on the site visit on Tuesday 4th June and the hearings on the Wednesday and Thursday.
There are 8 deadlines altogether with the last one being 21st August after which it will out of our hands and we won’t have a decision from the Sec of State until Feb 2020.
Please do let the PI know prior though if you would like to attend forthcoming hearings.
Update: 26th June 2019
All recordings of the hearings are on the Planning Inspectorate website. The site visits and hearings were well attended and were quite intense. The developers seem to be coming up against it and things are being made quite difficult for them.
Since the hearings the group have continued to uncover some interesting facts and are preparing for the next deadline submissions (5th July). We are finding that some things stated by Network Rail at the hearings are incorrect. They stated that there were 2 nodal yards, one at Basford Hall and one at Crewe. Basford Hall and Crewe are one and the same. What they should have said was Basford Hall and Bescot. However what they have failed to say is that the yard at Bescot is being turned into a concrete sleeper factory and will not be able to accommodate the 775m long trains.
Natural England made assertions that the Public Footpath Penk29 (which runs through the development site) was not connected to anything and was not important. Again we have since discovered that it was adopted 5 years ago by Macmillan and is part of the Cross Britain Way and forms part of a coast to coast walk used to raise funds for them. The group are organizing a sponsored walk to include Penk29 on the 28th July, heading to Brewood and back again. 13 miles in total, and we have registered the walk on the Macmillan website. So if anyone wants to join us, you can also register on the website to get a sponsor pack and free teeshirt!
The developers have been asked by the Planning Inspector to answer key points in submissions made at deadline 4 and that includes submissions from individuals submissions and the group. I have met with John Gerring (environmental) at SSC to discuss the air pollution report as the developers have been asked to address those points in the groups reports.
Chairman suspended Standing orders at 8.45pm and invited Mp Jeremy Lefroy and an officer from Staffordshire County Council to speak on the item
- A5 Concerns
MP Jeremy Lefroy and officer from SCC joined the PC to discuss issues raised by residents along the A5.
MP Lefroy has written to the Safer Road Partnership to consider what actions could be taken to make the road safer. Concerns regarding the increased volume should the hub be approved
Cllr Sutton and MP J Lefroy have submitted a request for the Speed limit to reduce the speed limit from 60mph to 50mph, in addition a separate request has been made to reduce the speed limit to 30mph through the housing area in Weston.
A traffic count is going to be conducted from Weston, previous data from Ivetsey bank 2015 data – 12700 vehicles in total in 2018 similar figures (taken seven days for 24 hours)Comparative data suggest that similar roads are 8600 vehicles another 18000, A4601 has 17200. 505 HGV, 743 of 10m in length in latest study.. Coven Road 6000 vehicles (additional details to be sent )
24 collisions in 2016-2018, one fatal and six serious, remaining 17 were slight.
Concerns raised that the footpaths along A5 are not cut back sufficiently enough and with the vacuum from the lorries this provides a significant danger. The footpaths require attention –SCC to check when these were actioned
Concerns for the villages re the interchange is trying to cross the A5 when leaving the village, visibility is already reduced. SCC officer to investigate the issues with poor visibility due to grass. SSC confirmed that mirrors are not allowed on the highway. Questioned if cameras can be added to the area to monitor the lorry use of the villages?
MP J Lefroy and SCC officer left the meeting at 9.20pm
Chairman imposed standing orders at 9.22pm
- SCC Statement of Community Involvement Consultation
Resolved to respond as below:
Consultation Questions:
- What is your name? LSWA PC
- What is your organisation? Parish Council
- What is your postal address? F7 Staffordshire Business Hub, Wolverhampton Road, Codsall WV8 1 PE
- What is your email address? [email protected]
- Did you find the document easy to read and understand? Yes
- Do you feel that it provides the right level of information? Yes
- Are you satisfied with the approach to consultation on planning policy? Yes
- Are there any changes that you would like to see us make? To engage with parish Councils to offer training and insight on planning
- Are you satisfied with the approach to consultations on planning applications? Yes
- Are there any changes that you would like to see us make? Above
- Are you satisfied with the approach to supporting the development Neighbour Plans? Yes however training for Councils on local plans is required
- Are you satisfied with the approach to keeping the Statement of Community Involvement up to date? Yes
50.Councilor Co-option
No applications received, adverts will remain
51.CCTV Policy
Resolved to accept the updated policy to include SGS
- Items for future
Each councillor may use this opportunity to report on matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making.
Lapley Green- Trees and hedge decision
Santa visit
Birkenshaw Lane
Snub the Hub update
BMX track presentation
- Date of next meeting: 4th September at 7.30pm at Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall
Meeting suspended 9.31 pm
Reconvened at 9.33pm
In pursuance of the powers contained in section 1 of the above act I move that
The Press and public be now excluded from the meeting on the grounds that
the business about to be transacted is of a confidential nature and that
publicity will be prejudicial to the interest of the public.
- HR
- PCM to increase hours from 24 to 28 immediately with a view to increasing to 30 from April when precept has been set. Clerk to review if 28 hours is sufficient and report to HR
- PCM to use agile working, this is to be used flexibly between work and home (over four days as is current) with flexible hours totalling 28 per week, rising in April to 30 , PCM will email HR if the need to work from home (outside of school holidays as per contract) arises
- Agile working is currently only applicable to the PCM due to business needs
- PCM to put contingencies in place-Assistant Clerk to be offered ‘acting up role’ in the circumstance where the PCM will be absent long term. This role is set at SCP 20. Duties will include run payroll, pay bills, contact point for staff, continue daily running of pc, take meetings, additional hours can be negotiated with Chair and HR group in the PCM’s absence. Assistant Clerk has confirmed that she would be willing to work up to 10 hours per week in this situation and would therefore not be able to take all of the PCM’s role
- Contingencies option for payroll- Outsource to SSC, quotes are being arranged for continual outsource and outsourcing in PCM’s absence, payroll and pensions would be outsourced. PCM TO report back
- PCM to source locum should AC be unavailable
- PCM will consider Pay policy, updating sickness policy and an employee handbook
- Christmas holidays- whilst the council offices are closed this holiday will be given as an extra to annual entitlement. The PC office will be closed for the period
Meeting closed 9.40pm