Maximum speed of 71mph was registered on the SID at Lapley rd between March and beginning of July 2024
We plan to start publishing the data from the SIDS(speed indicator device), this is taken from 25th May to 1st July at the SID at Ivestey Rd, top sped 62mph in a 30mph zone!!
Here are some helpful reminders as we approach the last week before the General Election on Thursday, July 4th. Please make sure that you take an original, approved form of photo identification (ID) with you when you vote. Your closest polling station will be shown on your polling card. You do not need your polling […]
We have been advised on a road closure, for Bennetts Lane, Bramshall and Loxley Lane, Loxley please plan your journey in advance. Notice: TTRN plan details:
Parish council news round-up Issue 358 – Friday, June 28th 2024 (
Parish council news round-up Issue 357 – Friday, June 21st 2024 (
Today is the last day to register to vote in the General Election on July 4th. According to the BBC News, 4.3 million adults aged 18-24 have not yet registered. If you, or someone you know has not done so, you have until 23:59 today to register using the link below:
Staffordshire Means Business – June 14 (
We have received notification of two road closures in our area: 1) Notice:…/urgent-ttrn-5-day-order… TTRN plan details: 2) Notice:…/urgent-ttrn-5-day-order… TTRN plan details: Please plan your journeys ahead
The latest news from around the district: Parish council news round-up 356 (