Parish council meeting – April 2018
Minutes of the Meeting of Lapley, Stretton & Wheaton Aston Parish Council held on Thursday 5th April 2018 at Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall
In Attendance: Cllr T Noblett Wheaton Aston (Chairman)
Cllr W Millington Wheaton Aston
Cllr P Elson Wheaton Aston
Cllr M Fox Lapley
Cllr P Timson Wheaton Aston
Cllr S Whittingham Wheaton Aston
Cllr A Anderson Stretton
Also in Attendance: Mrs A Watson Parish Clerk
13 members of the public
Cllr M Sutton Staffordshire County Council
Apologies: Cllr B Wells Stretton
Cllr R Wright South Staffordshire Council
Cllr B Cox South Staffordshire Council
Cllr Mrs B Cox Wheaton Aston
Cllr. M. Griffiths Lapley
Public Forum
Chairman welcomed all and reminded all of standing orders.
Residents raised concerns about Lapley Green, these points are representative of the Lapley Green committee and many residents: 1) delighted that the Green is on the agenda and look forward to the discussion on the Green. Residents wish to see the elements that the residents have put forward from the organised meeting considered, feelings are that this will prevent unnecessary tree felling and be cost effective. 2) Residents are disappointed that the landscaping aspect is lagging behind the original proposal, urges the pc to provide a cohesive plan. Residents are looking for an attractive area to enhance the conservation area. Resident assured PC that there are many willing volunteers to help maintain the area. 3) Residents would like reassurance that the PC will engage with the residents ahead of any work commitments.
Chairman response: PC have engaged one architect and are ideally seeking the opinion of three. Current plan is to engage the architect and seek advice of how to progress. The Conservation Officer is also in discussion. Chairman confirmed that the PC do intend to engage with residents and will share the plan when appropriate. Chairman confirmed that the PC have obligations to consider and will err on the side of caution.
Clerk advised of the ‘Friends Group’ and invited anyone interested to email the office.
Suggestion from a resident, that the Lapley Green Committee take out public liability on the trees- Clerk to ask the legal department.
Residents raised concerns about the closure of the Connect service. Cllr Sutton responded: County Council does not provide bus services but do allocate funds to subside routes. The Connect service is a joint venture with SSDC and SSC subsidised by SSC. The funds have been cut and a public consultation undertaken about how to best use the remaining funds. Consultation showed that the best use of funds would be to subsidise the main routes as the Connect service was found to be a disproportionate use of funds. 35 million pounds worth of savings need to be reached each year from SSC.
Queried if there are available grants that residents can access, Cllr Sutton advised he would meet with residents and arrange a suitable time to discuss.
Queried if there is anything that the PC can do to assist, Cllr Sutton will arrange a representative to discuss
Clerk advised that Gavin Williamson MP has campaigned against the closure of the service, petition has been handed to the CEO of Staffordshire County Council. The MP office advised that the County Council and District Council are in discussion about retaining some services, no further update from this point.
8pm standing orders applied
- To consider apologies
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr B Wells , Cllr R Wright, Cllr B Cox , Cllr Mrs B Cox and Cllr. M. Griffiths
- Declaration of Interest/Dispensation
Cllr Fox declared an interest in agenda item 204 as a member of the PCC
- Signing of the minutes
The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council meeting held on 1st February 2018 were signed
as a true and correct copy.
- Clerks Report
Clerks Report
March 2018
Modifications have been made to the Site Allocation Document, the consultation for responses is open from 7.2.18 to 21.2.18
The overhanging trees have been cut back at Primrose play area
The bus shelters have been installed
Clerk has completed level one training for Safeguarding Children
The evaluation form for the funding from SSC member budget as been returned
The landowner of the gate by Marston Field has been contacted to request that no parking signs are added to the gate
Tree Surveys are scheduled commencing 23/2/18
Lamp post number 5, Wheaton Aston has been damaged , this has been reported
Potholes on Lapley Road and Long Street have been reported
A parishioner has copied the PC into correspondence with Gavin Williamson regarding the funding for the connect bus service
Primrose play area is completed, the inspection report has highlighted some minor low risk issues such as the Grasslok matting hasn’t embed, the contractor is returning to rectify
Modifications to the SAD- Staffordshire County Council Connected Libraries Consultation- Please respond to the consultation in mobile library services
Crime and poor performance in the waste sector- closes 9th March 2018
Meetings / Events
Lets work together 23.3.18
Items emailed to councillors
26.1.18 SSDC presentation on elections and GDPR
26.1.18 Resident views on Lapley Green
31.1.18 Lapley Green committee proposal letter
1.2.18 L Macdonald enforcement team structure
1.2.18 SPCA news bulletin
1.2.18 M Shaker Staffordshire police csw newsletter
1.2.18 J Russon
6.2.18D Round Bridge Farm development
6.2.18 SSDC weekly round up
13.2.18 Microshade GD{R requirements quotation
13.2.18 Lets work together save the ate
13.2.18 C Gutteridge AA Board information
14.2.18 Let work together agenda
22.2.18 SPCA newsbulletin
22.2.18 Came and Co insurance details
22.2.18 planning ref 18/00124/AGR (planning working group)
6.2.18 18/00060/BOC
Use of devolved powers
£120 to Afeb for cutting back the over hanging trees in Primrose Play area
General village improvements increased by £7120.00 to account for the bus shelter invoices
Decisions issued
April 2018
Fly tipping at the footpath Fenton House Lane/ Marston Road has been reported
Rotten plank on bridge at footpath Fentonhouse Lane/Marston Road reported to Rights of Way
Faulty lamp (P2) at The Cobbles reported and repaired 13.3.18
The Willow dome at Broadholes Lane has been woven
Broadholes Lane play area will be opened by J Smith
The work by Western Power to underground the Cables has been completed
P Davies has been approached for a design for Lapley Green
Modifications to the SAD- Staffordshire County Council Connected Libraries Consultation- Please respond to the consultation in mobile library services
Meetings / Events
Lets work together 20th April
Locality Celebration masterclass
Turnocks- Christmas lighting
Blachere- Christmas lighting
Items emailed to councillors
1.3.18 SPCA news bulletin
1.3.18 Staffordshire County Council
1.3.18 What’s on at the library
1.3.18 M Quinn Safeguarding training agenda
6.3.18 SSC Asset Data
6.3.18 Morfe Valley Tree reports
14.3.18 Policy and Partnership Safeguarding training
14.3.18 Cold weather alert
15.3.18 SPCA news bulletin
22.3.18 SPCA news bulletin
28.3.18 Policy and Partnership Lets Work Together
28.3.8 Policy and Partnership Locality Celebration
Use of devolved powers
Dog bags ordered cost
Decisions issued
18/00124/AGR- No objections
Clerk advised that she will be working a second job with Staffordshire County Council.
- Policing Matters
No report available
Cllr Millington attended the forum about policing in the future and CSW:
- More cuts are to be made and policing divided in to four areas.
- Recruitment drive for Special Constables.
- Crime has increased in Staffordshire.
The area will be allocated new police commander as part of the new changes, Chief Inspector Mark Ward. They intend to have a response service that doesn’t have boundaries
- District Report
No report
190.County Report
SSC financial situation- Council tax has increased by 5.95% a 2.95% rise, 3% is allocated to Social Care and 2.95% for general budget. The County Council income is made up of council tax, business rates, and grants from the government. With the dedication of schools the council budget is about half a billion and with schools is around one billion.
Grant money from government is reducing to zero in approx. three years times and it is expected SSC will be totally self funding. Initial thoughts were that the business rates income would increase however this has not happened. A pilot scheme in which SSC can apply for more business rates was rolled out, unfortunately SSC were unsuccessful in the bid to be part of it. The budget is balanced for 2018/19. For 2019/20 it is anticipated that the gap will be approx. 35million pounds. SSC will work to reduce this. Main pressure that SSC face is social care, demographics, children’s services. Looked after children and Safeguarding are a priority.
SSC will look for opportunities to increase revenue.
Council holds more responsibility and less employees.
Reserves are above minimum but have diminished from previous years
Discussion took place on road repairs.
Chairman moved Agenda item to 201 forward for Cllr Sutton to advise on
Cllr Sutton advised that if a footpath is not on the definitive map then it is not a public right of way. There is a process to follow to adopt the footpath by SSC. Currently there is over 200 outstanding applications which is a lengthily process with consultation. SSC is considering ways to expedite this process. Cllr Sutton has agreed to investigate further and liaise with officers.
Cllr Sutton would be happy to give an oversight to the PC on Children’s service and Education
8.35pm Cllr Sutton left the meeting, Cllr Anderson was temporarily excused
- Financial matters
- a) Resolved to accept the financial budget comparison to 31st March 2018
- b) Resolved to accept the financial summary to 31st March 2018
- c) Resolved to approve the expenditure for March 2018
- d) Resolved to approve the payments noted under delegated powers-
£120 to Afeb for cutting back the over hanging trees in Primrose Play area
General village improvements increased by £7120.00 to account for the bus shelter invoices
- Planning Recommendations: Resolved:
- a) Planning application:
- b) Planning application after papers sent: 18/00235/FUL –no objections
- c) Planning decisions: none
- d) Enforcement Cases: 18/00060/BOC- acknowledged
- e) Delegated responses sent: 18/00124/AGR- No objections
- Bridge Farm development road name
Resolved: to respond to D Round that ‘Bridge Farm Croft’ is the preferred name for the development
- GDPR Preparation
Quotes to outsource the DPO role and the data audit were received from South Staffordshire District Council, Staffordshire County Council and Microshade.
Resolved: to accept the quote from South Staffordshire Council to conduct the Data Audit at a cost of £400 and to undertake the role of DPO for an amount not to exceed £400 (amount to be confirmed as it will be based on Council size)
- Bus Service Concerns
Concerns have been received from parishioners regarding the cancellation of Saturday bus service and the discontinuation of the Staffordshire Connect Service.
Clerk presented Cllr Sutton a petition received regarding the cuts to the service to present to SSC.
Cllr Sutton advised that there has been a consultation on usage conducted and in the six week period that this took place the service was not used sufficiently. This was considered in the public forum
- Working Group reports:
- Christmas Lights: No meeting, one to be held
Clerk currently obtaining quotes for lights
- HR: Amendments to employee contracts
Resolved: to bring all employee contracts in line by offering 25 days holiday after five
years service
- Village Orderly working pattern
Resolved: to amend the Village Orderly working hours to 364 per year, to be worked appropriately as determined by the Village Orderly and the Clerk throughout the year with a base of 7 hours per week. This number of hours is not to be exceeded, additional work will be at the discretion of the Council and appointed by the Clerk.
Any current additional hours outstanding (incurred from 2015-16 and agreed by the previous PCM for additional work) are to be offered as toil, it is recommended that the weekly hours of 7 are to be reduced to 6 until the 32.75 hours outstanding have been cleared. This is to be completed within the next financial year.
- Clerk to complete CILCA
Resolved: Clerk is to complete CILCA at a cost of £250.00. an additional two hours per week to be offered whilst the Clerk undertake the qualification. In addition Clerk will offer two hours per week of her time
- Forward Planning and Finance: meeting to be held
- Maintenance: Lapley Green- as per item 10.
2.Play area signs
- The wording has been confirmed for new signs in the play areas. Three quotes have been received from Shelley Signs, Wolverhampton signs and Sedgley Signs.
Resolved: to purchase a ‘sticker’ to amend the office phone number on all signs, cost £153
A resident has raised concerns about the safety of the children playing at
Primrose Play Area and suggested a fence is considered. Playdale have
confirmed that a physical barrier is not required. Came and Co insurance
company to conducted an audit of risk assessments and policies, they found
that everything is in order. Came and Co made a suggestion to install a
‘playground’ warning sign near the entrance to the close.
Cllr Sutton has been quoted £600 from highways for this and is able to offer a 50% match fund.
Resolved: to purchase the ‘playground’ sign
3.Best Kept Village works
- Resolved: to move the budget of £200 for BKV work to the relevant headings and complete work as in previous years.
- Resolved: To ask each year group of Children at St Marys First School to make a joint poster to encourage a tidy village and continue with the annual competition on a year group basis. The chosen year group will win a selection of appropriate books, budget of £30 set
4.Speeding signs
- Resolved: to not to investigate the cost of Speed Awareness signs (Speed indication Devices SIDS and Vehicle Activated Device VADS)
Resolved: to purchase 5 Signs from the Community Speed Watch scheme at a cost of £19.99 per sign plus £120 (plus vat) installation and liaise with the CSW group on locations once the group is established for a minimum of 6 months
Resolved: to apply to the Staffordshire Road Safety grant scheme for assistance with funding when the round opens in August 2018.
5.Application to the Safer Roads Fund, dealt with in item 4
6.Willow Dome
- Resolved: The Forest of West Merica are to reshape the Willow dome at a cost of £150 – to be deducted from play area repairs
7.Risk Assessment
Resolved: to accept the amendments made to the Risk Assessment
8.Dog walk
Resolved: to ask Afeb to re-weave the areas (approx. 10m) that have become open along the dog walk budget of has been set £50
- The recent tree report indicated that an Ariel and tomograph inspection of the large oak at
Primrose Play area is required. Cost expected is £450 for three area scans and Ariel
inspection or £325 for one area scan and and Ariel inspection- From Morfe Valley. Rob
Keyzor- £425 plus vat for the Ariel Inspection and £285 for the Tomograph survey at the base
of the tree.
Resolved to appoint Morfe Valley at a total cost of £450.00
- The conservation officer has not returned with details of appropriate
Landscape companies.
Clerk and chairman met a representative of Davies Landscape Design, a recommendation from SSDC, who has quoted £890 plus mileage to draw up an appropriate plan.
Resolved: to appoint Davies Landscape Design to draw up plans for the renovation of Lapley Green and invite a representative to meet with Council representatives
- Resolved to renew the Pest Contract renewal at a cost of £850.00 with S Billingham.
- Gailey Freight Hub
Resolved: To accept the following report submitted by Cllr Anderson
We have become aware that residents living on the perimeter (ie Calf Heath) have received updates on the Community Park and so have the properties near to where the electric cables are to be buried in Gailey.
We are also aware that some residents that have shown an interest in selling their properties to Four Ashes Ltd have received letters sent by registered post asking them to sign to give permission for FAL to have the option on their properties should planning permission be granted.
FAL state that they will pay the asking price and some of the legal fees but have not specified how much. Residents now are reluctant to sign up to this.
The planning application will be submitted to planning inspectorate in February/early March. This has been pushed back from original planned timing.
The committee are trying to get as many MP’s and as many of the 27 parish councils on board as possible, and continue to raise funds to utilise in the best way possible and are taking advice from professionals on these matters.
District are opposing this development.
The group continue to work on the different aspects of the application such as roads, environment, health etc and it will be the next consultation paper that will be key for us. Again we are taking professional advice as to how to tackle the key points.
We are visiting and communicating with other groups that have been involved/ opposed to these kind of developments.
Our key points to tackle are: Greenbelt, wrong location, rail line capacity and roads and motorway capacity.
Planning application has been delayed again. Building could start as early as 2019 if passed.
Another meeting is planned for end of April
Recent correspondence from SSC has been received by all PC’s, the collective group will respond.
- Insurances Schedule
Resolved: after consideration, to lower the amount of play equipment insured from £239.436 to £113,600.
- Community Speed Watch
Resolved: H Jones is to continue to lead the CSW group with Cllr W Millington. Clerk is to chase up the progress of the group. The PC cannot apply for funding to purchase speeding signs until the group has been running for 6 months.
- Youth Forum
Clerk has spoken with H Marshall, PCSO Lloyd, PCSO Price and PCSO McAree about the formation of a youth forum. All have agreed that in their experience engagement is more likely if an informal approach is taken and recommend that on various evenings members of the police, Parish Council, District Council and other appropriate bodies determined by the PC patrol the area and engage.
Thoughts from this should then be considered at a Parish Council meeting.
Resolved: Cllr Noblett, Cllr Whittingham and Clerk to meet with representatives on 21st May 2018 to engage and feedback to Council
- Birkenshaw Lane
Agenda item discussed under County Report
- Policy updates
Resolved: to accept the Snow clearance emergency plan and accept the updated Lone Worker Policy, Lone Worker Risk Assessment, Litter Picker Risk Assessment and Health and Safety Policy
9.35pm Cllr Timson left the meeting
- Items for future consideration
Gailey Freight Hub
Lapley Green
In pursuance of the powers contained in section 1 of the above act I move that
The Press and public be now excluded from the meeting on the grounds that
the business about to be transacted is of a confidential nature and that
publicity will be prejudicial to the interest of the public.
205.Church funding
Due to changes in the guidance around legislation the PC are unable to support the Lapley Church Restoration fund, Clerk to contact and advise
206.HMRC update
Query is still being consider by HMRC
207.Bank signatories
Resolved: To remove H Jones as a signatory and replace with Cllr T Noblett
- Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be Thursday 3rd May at 6.30pm, this will be the Annual Parish Meeting followed by the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council at 7.30pm, Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall.
Meeting closed 9.55 pm