Parish council meeting – November 2018
In Attendance:
Cllr T Noblett, Wheaton Aston (Chairman)
Cllr Mrs B Cox, Wheaton Aston
Cllr Sue Whittingham, Wheaton Aston
Cllr M Fox, Lapley (Vice-chairman)
Cllr Sharon Whittingham, Wheaton Aston
Cllr A Anderson, Stretton
Cllr W Millington, Wheaton Aston
Also in Attendance:
Mrs A Watson, Parish Clerk
5 members of the public (part of the meeting)
A member of the press
Cllr R Wright, Staffordshire District Council
Cllr B Wells, Stretton
Cllr M Sutton, Staffordshire County Council
Cllr B Cox, South Staffordshire District Council
Cllr M Griffiths, Lapley
Cllr P Elson, Wheaton Aston
Cllr P Timson, Wheaton Aston
Public Forum
The meeting was attended by a number of parishioners who shared an objection to the Parish Council’s decision to cease funding the maintenance of Lapley Cemetery (agenda item 60 July 2018)
Chairman explained that legal advice had been sought on this matter and the decision is due to be revisited, agenda item 121.
The Local Government Act 1894 states that ‘to execute any work (including works of maintenance or improvement) incidental to or consequential on the exercise of the foregoing powers, or in relation to any parish property, not being relating to affairs of the Church or held for an ecclesiastical charity’.
Standing orders imposed 7.45pm
- To consider apologies
Apologies and reasons of absence were accepted from Cllr B Wells, Cllr Timson, Cllr Brian Cox, Cllr M Griffiths, Cllr P Elson and Cllr Sutton
- Election of Vice-chairman
Proposed by Cllr Millington, seconded by Cllr Sue Whittingham . Resolved: Cllr S Whittingham is to act as Vice-chair for the December meeting
- Declaration of Interest/Dispensation
Cllr Fox and Cllr Cox declared a Code of Conduct interest in agenda item 121 as a member of the PCC. Legal advice
has been sought and councillors advised to abstain from the discussion.
- Signing of the minutes
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7th September 2018 were signed as a true and correct copy.
- Lapley Cemetery Maintenance
As per standings order 7a six councillors have contacted the clerk to rescind the decision made at agenda item 60 (July 2018)
Clerk and Chairman have met with the Corporate Director of Governance, SSC and the advice is that the PC do not hold the relevant power in order to continue with the maintenance of the cemetery and to continue to do so could be viewed as acting unlawfully.
Many parishioners feel strongly and disappointed about this decision and have viewed their thoughts by emailing the Clerk and attendance at the meeting.
Chairman opened the topic for debate.
Resolved the previous resolution stands the PC will not be able to fund the maintenance of the Cemetery.
Clerk to provide details of the maintenance contract to the PCC
Resolved: to consider hiring the Church Hall for a Community Wellbeing event to be held weekly at a future meeting.
Standing orders suspended 19.50pm to invite a member of the public to speak (Question) – If it is established that the land was given to the Parish and not the Church would it affect the decision? Advice would be needed to clarify
Standing orders imposed 7.58pm
- Clerks Report
Clerks Report
November 2018
Street Scene will be exchanging the dog bin for a duel bin on Long Street
Clerk and orderly mobile phone contracts have been reduced from £23.47 each to £8 each per
Month (package includes 250 mins, 250 texts and 250mb per month)
SSC are to remove the conifer around column 2 in Chapel Bank
HMRC issued is resolved
CCTV cameras are in place
Road closure and TEN notice have been approved for the Christmas event
More damage has been done to the fence at Marston Field. I have requested that the consider who
installed them provide additional bars and a welder will be appointed to install and strengthen the
current bars
The play area inspections have been completed, the Assistant Clerk is collating the work to be
Consultations Draft Locality Profile closes 29.11.18
11.10.18 Dementia Friend training at Penkridge Library 2.30pm
Partnership event SSC 9.11.18
11.9.18 Local councillor training course
8.11.18 VAT training Course SPCA
15.11.018 Staffs fire and recue conference
Items emailed to councillors
2.10.18 Carnival Committee grant application
2.10.18 Policy and Partnership Partnership event
3.10.18 M Quinn Champions meeting
3.10.18 Dementia Friend training
9.10.18 SSC Update on the future of the Business Hub
11.10.18 PCSO Price CCTV
11.10.18 SPCA News bulletin
16.10.18 SSC Polling review
17.10.18 Resident email Graveyard maintenance
22.10.18 SPCA Bulletin
22.10.18 Residents email Graveyard Maintenance
22.10.18 Email advising of concerns raised by resident about the graveyard maintenance
Enforcement –
Use of devolved powers
£21 deducted from xmas lights budget and vired to FX card to account for the Temporary Event Notice fee
Clerk and orderly mobile phone contracts have been reduced from £23.47 each to £8 each per
Month (package includes 250 mins, 250 texts and 250mb per month)
SD cards purchased for cameras £39.75 amount vired from play area maintenance to fx card
Cctv signs purchased £70.74, amount vired from play area maintenance to fx card
Cctv log book purchased £10.65
The SPCA AGM is on 3rd December 2018 at 7pm, Councillors to advise Clerk if they wish to attend
Clerk advised that a CCTV camera has been stolen. Clerk to discuss with Police
- Policing Matters
No report available
- District report
SSC has had at least 20 prosecutions from their CCTV
Freight Hub is at a consultation stage
Potholes- held a meeting with CEO Stafford County Council- there isn’t sufficient funding to undertake the work
Cllr Sue Whittingham, raised a concern about the recent work on Hartley Bridge (19), a pothole has formed, Cllr Whittingham to email Cllr Sutton with details.
Budget- savings are being made
- County report
No report
- Financial matters
- Resolved to accept the Financial Comparison to 31st October 2018
- Resolved to accept the Financial Summary to 31st October 2018
- Resolved to approve the expenditure for October 2018
- Resolved to a note payments/decisions made under delegated powers (noted on the Clerks Report)
- Planning Recommendations:
- a) Planning application- none received
- b) Planning application received after papers issued – None
- c) List of planning decisions received since the last meeting: Shown in the Clerks report (if any issued)
- d) Enforcement cases: Shown in the Clerks report (if any issued) Noted
- e) Delegated responses sent: None
Fire noted at the abandoned building on the A5
- Good Life Energy Initiative
Cllr Millington reported on a recently attended course on SSC Good Life Energy.
It aims to reduce fuel poverty. SSC offer a free unbiased service to help parishioners switch to a more competitive energy company. Councillors urged to share this information with parishioners. More details can be found at
SSC have offered to conduct a surgery if there is the requirement.
Resolved to ask SSC to provide a surgery at the next PC meeting.
129.Working Groups Reports
- Christmas Lights- next meeting 20.11.18
- Hr-13.11.18 10am
- Maintenance/Forward Planning and Finance 13.11.18 6.30pm
130.Policy Review
Resolved to accept the Absence Policy and CCTV policy
- Polling Review Consultation
Resolved: The current poll stations are sufficient, Clerk to advise
- Village Orderly Request
Resolved: The village orderly is to fund and plant a tree near the removed ash along the dog walk, Marston Field as per his request
133.Reports from Parish Council Representatives
- Lapley & Wheaton Aston Village Hall Management Committee- Bookings have decreased, the building perimeter has been treated.
- Lapley & Wheaton Aston Recreation Ground Committee- Cricket season has finished, Penkridge still hire the pitch. This weekend is the Fireworks display
- Lapley & Wheaton Aston Old People’s Welfare Committee- A continuing success with around 20 parishioners’ attending
- Wheaton Aston Community First Responders- no meetings
- Staffordshire Police Locality Accountability Forum- no report
- Parish Charities Trustee – no report
- Parish Champion- Attended a recent meeting, Dementia Friendly was discussed. Support Staffordshire were present and offer support to Volunteer Groups
- Gailey Freight Hub- Thanks to all for delivering the leaflets. A calendar has been made to raise funds. Awaiting results of the Consultation. There is an A5 transport group in action.
134.Meeting Dates
Resolved the meeting dates for 2019:
17th January
28th February
4th April
16th May ((Annual Parish Meeting at 6pm, Annual Meeting of the Parish Council at 7.30pm)
4th July
5th September
24th October
5th December- Precept
135.Shadow soldier purchase
Resolved not to purchase any further soldiers.
Resolved to purchase a service agreement with SSC for legal and HR advice. This is for 8 hours advice per year
at a cost of £500. Delegated powers to Clerk to use this advice as deemed necessary to Council administration.
Budget from general reserves is to be used
(list of accounts received to date enclosed) 137. Items for future
Each councillor may use this opportunity to report on matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making.
- Date of next meeting: Thursday 6th December (Precept) 2018 at 7.30pm at Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall
- Litter picking
- Well Being Clinic
Meeting closed at 9.00 pm
136.Legal/HR Advice