Full Parish Council Meeting – October 2019
In Attendance:
Cllr T Noblett, Wheaton Aston (Chairman)
Cllr Sue Whittingham, Wheaton Aston
Cllr A Anderson, Stretton
Cllr W Millington, Wheaton Aston (Vice Chairman)
Cllr M Griffiths, Lapley
Cllr S Whittingham, Wheaton Aston
Cllr B Cross, Wheaton Aston
Cllr M Sutton, Staffordshire Country Council
Also in Attendance:
Mrs A Watson, Parish Clerk
PCSO Price
SC Wilding
Two members of the public for part of the meeting
Cllr B Cox, Staffordshire District Council
Cllr R Nelson, Wheaton Aston
Cllr M Smith, Wheaton Aston
Cllr V Jackson, Staffordshire District Council
Cllr V Renfrew, Lapley
Public forum.
No queries brought forward
7.30pm. Chairman imposed standing orders
Resolved to bring agenda item 79 forward and invited PCSO Price to present.
Public bodies can only disclose information if they have the power to do so. Section 115 of the Crime and Disorder Act provides a power to exchange information where disclosure is necessary to support the local Crime Reduction Strategy and Partnership in achieving the aims of the Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy and objectives outlined within it.
The degree of disclosure that takes place must be proportionate and relevant to the level of social ill or criminality it is intended to counter or prevent.
The information is only to be processed in relation to crime and disorder purposes. Information will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the Human Rights Act 1998 and any other relevant legislation governing disclosures and will ultimately be disposed of in a secure manner.
This Police Report covers the dates from 04/09/2019 – 22/10/2019.
We’ve had several reports of ASB with persons riding motorbikes in a manner to cause harassment alarm and distress on Marston Road down towards the direction of the playing fields.
Working with residents who managed to film some of these actions we managed to get the registrations to each motorbike and with those details we paid each registered keeper a home visit (whose addresses weren’t local) and gave suitable advice along with a Sec 59 warning. Since this was done we haven’t received any further calls of this nature.
The Parish Council have also phoned in several times regarding ASB and Criminal Damage at Marston Playing Fields. We attend this location on a regular basis and if youths are there we engage with them around respecting the location. With the help of the new CCTV going in this may help catch the offenders in future, which then will enable us to deal with the issue.
We also had a report of a Burglary Dwelling at a property on Ivetsey Road where items were stolen from within and the motor vehicle off the drive way was stolen. This report is still under investigation with no new updates from CID at this time.
We would like to thank the Community Speed Watch for their assistance in helping reduce speeding motorists within the Village. From their actions we have attended a local keeper’s address to have speech with this driver about their speed through the Village. Suitable advice was given and they were informed that they will have a ticket/fine if it continues.
Concerns raised regarding the speeding lorries through Stretton, SC Wilding advised that specials are able to bring speed gun to the area. To liaise with the CSW
- To consider apologies
Apologies and reasons of absence were accepted from Cllr Renfrew, Cllr Nelson, Cllr Smith, Cllr Cox and Cllr Jackson
- Declaration of Interest/Dispensation
Cllr Sue Whittingham declared her role as a Community First Responder in relation to item 92.
Cllr T Noblett declared his role as a Committee member of the Monday Luncheon Club in relation
to item 88
- Candidate Co-option
Two candidates applied for the vacancy of Councillor in Stretton ward. Following a matrix of
questions and consideration it was resolved to offer the role of Councillor to E Dadd, subject to
acceptance and completion of all relevant documents. The positon will be ratified at the next full
Council meeting.
Cllr Sutton arrived 7.55pm
- Supported Futures
A representative from Supported Futures was due to present, however did not attend
- Signing of the minutes
The minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 5th September 2019 were signed as a
true and correct copy. The (unsigned) minutes of the Defibrillator Committee held on 14th October
2019 were noted for information.
78.Clerks Report
Clerks Report October 2019
30.08.19 – Dangerous drain cover outside 22 Long Street, Wheaton Aston reported to SCC Highways (ref: 4169531) Assessed by an inspector as not considered to be a high risk to public safety
03.09.19 – South Staffordshire Council Open Space Study completed and returned.
Ditton Services have added the top soil and the bark to Marston Field as requested
10.09.19 – Moles on primrose close play park reported to Pest Control Contractor.
10.09.19 – Damage to fence and broken glass on Marston reported to 101. Crime Ref: FZ/70058/2019, Incident no. 430 10/09/2019
10.09.19 – Application for funding for CCTV on Marston Field submitted to the Commissioners People Power Fund.
External auditor Mazars has completed and retuned the annual audit
A request to financially support the community group raising funds for the replacement gates at Lapley Church has been received. Advice obtained from SSC governance team- legislation restricts the pc from making a donation (Local Government Act 1894)
17.09.19 – Glass & fire on the skate park reported to 101. Incident no. 548 17/09/2019
18.09.19 Dead ash tree at Ivetsey Road (adjacent to Ivetsey Close on green) reported to South Staffs Housing
Alley clearance requested off Ivetsey Road behind houses to garages (South Staffs housing association)
19.09.19 – Ricoh have confirmed that if the copier is returned the hard drive is wiped once. For £449 they remove the disk for the parish to wipe. For £349 they will wipe the disc six times (Data cleanse and sanitisation option ). Advice requested from ICO regarding the best course of action. ICO confirmed that the data should be cleared- Ricoh appointed
20.09.19 – Request sent to SCC for more details of their website template.
25.09.19 – SSC parish Council survey on sporting facilities completed
08.10.19 – Fire at Marston Field and knocking over of CCTV barriers along with laughing gas canisters found at the bus shelter in Stretton, reported to 101
08.10.19 – Sowdley Green sign collected from Village Orderly by SCC
Ricoh data agreement sent along with LSWA PC’s data agreement to GDPR officer at SSC for comparison
Bolt on the Pendular See Saw tightened by CPCL.
Potters have laid the connection for the CCV at Marston Field, SGS have installed the columns and Eon will be making the connection to the service on 29th October. SGS are scheduled to install the cameras on 30th Oct, they will be live and monitored from this date
Lapley Green notice board is up and the bench is concreted in
Stretton notice board has been replaced
Clerk attended SLCC branch meeting in Barlaston 11.9.19
17.10.19 SGS on site for CCTV
11.10 Parish Summit
22.10 Lifestyle Session held at St Marys Church in partnership with SSC as part of Wellbeing Sessions
26.11 Life Café held at St Marys Church with Compton Hospice as part of Wellbeing Sessions
Branch meeting attended
SLCC information notes
Continuous learning on Accessibility
Items emailed to councillors
01.09.19 SPCA news bulletin 29.8.19
6.6.19 SPCA Newsbulletin
10.9.19 SCC grit bins
11.9.19 Planning app 19/000661/LUP
16.9.19 D Pattison Confidentiality report
16.9.19 K Harris Pennwood Farm
16.9.19 D Pattison Code of Conduct
16.9.19 Gnosall PC young driver event
17.9.19 H Marshall Reporting crime
18.9.19 Mazaars audit conclusion
3.10.19 SPC newsbulletin
8.10.19 – Temporary Closure of Wheaton Aston Post Office
9.10.19 A number of parishioner views on Lapley Green
10.10.19 SSC Locality working
10.10.19 SPCA Newsbulletin
17.10.19 SPCA Newsbulletin
Use of devolved powers
Lapley Green budget decreased by £115.50, vired to FX card to allow for planning app for the phone kiosk
Increased budget for bark for the play area following reports to £900, £500 from Play area equipment and £100 from signage. Ditton Services to action
Lapley Green – Afeb have installed the notice board(£80), concreted in the bench (£30)and planted approx. 12 holly bushes (£160) (from Lapley Green Fund) and planted the bulbs
Ricoh appointed to clear data when machine is replaced. Cost to be £349
Planning Decisions
19/00255/FUL – Granted Subject to Conditions
19/00135/AGRFLX – Granted Subject to Conditions
19/00450/FUL – Granted Subject to Conditions
PCM update the Council on accessibility, the office is working on compliancy.
PCM advised that the consultation of Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation is open and encouraged all members to return their comments
Resolved: Clerks report accepted
- Policing reports
Discussed following the public forum
- District report
Concerns raised that there is not sufficient contact with District Councillors
- County report
District and County are working together with parishes, a meeting has been arranged for 15th November to discuss future working.
Vacant seat law changes has affected travel for school children in the County. SCC can no longer ‘sell’ the vacant seats on school buses (subject to a criteria)this is in consultation and currently costs are being met.
‘People helping people’ fund is available to fund project to assist with health and wellbeing, children or families, councillors to encourage any volunteer groups who meet the criteria to apply.
SCC intention to build two new residential homes, one in Stafford and one in South Staffs, there is a shortage of places available. Intend to convert a property in Burton.
Concern raised about an accident on the A5- A7
Speeding, dangerous manoeuvres and overtaking are all daily occurrences on the A5. Any changes must be evidence based.
- Financial matters
- To approve September 2019 expenditure
- To accept the Financial Comparison to 30th September 2019
- To accept the Financial summary to 30th September 2019
- To note payments/decisions made under delegated powers
- To accept the audit conclusion of 2018/2019
- Planning Recommendations:
- Planning application 19/00661/LUP- No objection
Planning application 19/00788/FUL- No objection
- Noted the following decisions:
19/00255/FUL – Granted Subject to Conditions
19/00135/AGRFLX – Granted Subject to Conditions
19/00450/FUL – Granted Subject to Conditions
- No enforcement cases to note
- No responses sent under delegated powers
- Lapley Green
Resolved following consultation with residents not to plant any further trees at this point, to reassess in October 2020. To plant a low level holly hedge approx. 1.5 ft. in from the sandstone wall and to bring the end of the current holly hedge in line, to continue the chain and post fencing around the adjacent side to the holly hedge and paint in keeping with the finger posts. Devolved budget expenditure to the PCM to spend within the Lapley Green budget to continue these works without further approval from Council.
Resolved to install a short path and slabbed area outside of the notice board. Tegula paving to match
- Policies
Resolved to accept/adhere
- The notice board policy
- Memorial dedication policy costs: Bench: £1000 Shrub: £50 Tree: £150
- Confidentiality Report (all present signed)
- Birkenshaw Lane
Following the representation made under Paragraph 3(2) of Schedule 14 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (the 1981 Act) seeking a direction to be given to Staffordshire County Council to determine an application for an Order, under Section 53(5) of that Act a direction has been made:
‘On behalf of the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and pursuant to Paragraph 3(2) of Schedule 14 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, I HEREBY DIRECT the Staffordshire County Council to determine the above-mentioned application not later than 6 months from the date of this decision’- Planning Inspectorate
Progress made, to agenda when a response is received
- Santa visit
Item already dealt with
- Grant Requests
Resolved to precept
- £1000 Monday Luncheon Club
- £1000 Brewood Community Car Scheme
- Snub the Hub update
Planning inspectorate report is due out November that will go to the Secretary of State with a recommendation. Northampton Gateway Strategic Hub has been approved.
As a group they will put more information together for the Planning Inspectorate
90.BMX Track Presentation
Details given on a proposal for a BMX track at Marston Field. Resolved Cllr Noblett is to investigate and bring more details to council
- Speed Issues along Ivetsey Road
Numerous residents have raised concerns about speeding along Ivetsey Road.
Consideration given to reducing the speed, this would be in practical for the whole length however there are areas along on the length which could benefit from a reduction. Consideration given to increasing the 30mph zone further outside of the village, CSW has noted that this is where multiple occurrences of speeding occur. Suggestion to add a 40mph zone reducing to 30mph. Cost expected to be around £5000. Suggestion to add white posts to the verges on the village entrance- these have a speed reducing effect.
Resolved Cllr Sutton to investigate speed reduction and bring back to a future meeting.
The PC will be considering the purchase of a SID (agenda item 98) using Traffic calming legislation : s. 274A Highways Act 1980 warning of danger s. 72 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 preventing crime s. 31 Local Government and Rating Act 1997
Cllr Sutton was invited to speak on the agenda item.
Resolved to move standing orders to close the meeting 10.00pm
- Defibrillators
Resolved: The committee can spend the full budget (£3700) plus £2000 from long term projects as previously resolved allocated for the defibrillator budget in 2019/2020
CRFS raised £1563 at the recent harvest festival and have donated this to complete the projects. Thankyou to all for the support
Defib meeting due 18th November to further the projects
- BT Phone Kiosk removal
SSC have recently notified Councillors of the intent to remove the BT phone kiosk on High Street Wheaton Aston among others.
Resolved not to respond to the consultation as there are no objections
- Allotments
Following the last meeting a poll on social media has been conducted to assess interest in the provision of allotments in the Parish. Results are:
513 people reached, 27 votes cast (1.9% of people reached voted)- 20 YES (3.89%) and 7 NO (1.36%).
News and Views is delivered to 1200 houses, 5 responses received in favour of Allotments (0.416%) and 0 against
Resolved: not to pursue the provision at this point. Whilst a requirement has been recognised the response level was too low to further the project at this point.
Voted: for allotments 2, against 5
- Use of the Avenue
Mentioned in previous agenda item
- Woodland Trust
The Woodland Trust is offering free trees to schools and committees in an effort to plant one million additional trees. www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/plant-trees/schools-and-communities/
Resolved: To work with St Marys First School and any other community group/member who wishes to plant trees in the community. Clerk to liaise with St Marys First School about ordering and planting, Councillors will support with planting.
- Monthly meetings
Resolved: to continue with meetings approximately every six week
- Working Group reports
- Christmas Lights– meeting due 19th November All encouraged to assist around 10am
- HR– meeting required , booked 19.11.2019 3.30pm
- Forward planning, maintenance and finance- Meeting required, booked 19.11.2019 5pm
- Maintenance : Resolved :
Gate- to rehang
Phone kiosk- to search for a company to remove paint and repaint budget of £500 set
Bench- to purchase ‘war horse’ design bench for £896 plus vat and a budget of £100 to install set. Bench is also to commemorate the VE75 celebrations (budget from Lapley Green Renovations) www.davidogilvie.com/products/seats-benches/
SID consider the purchase of a SID from Morelock at a cost of £2,499.50(ex Vat) plus solar panel set £399 (ex vat) funds from general reserves brought forward from 2018/19. An additional amount is required for the post, total budget of £4000 set. Recommendation to apply to Cllr Sutton fund for assistance in securing the pole (this must be installed by Highways)
Tree works – budget for a complete parish survey in 2020
Broadholes Lane– deferred
Fence at Marston Field – to appoint Senwod (quote £1200) to remove and replace the estate fencing and gate at the opening of Marston Field (School end) to increase budget from general reserves
Defib signs– to purchase custom made signs to read ‘AED available in this Parish’ plus fixings at a cost of £579.95 (inc Vat) from Seton Signs
- Items for future
Each councillor may use this opportunity to report on matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making.
Speeding on the A5
- Date of next meeting: 5th December 2019 (Precept meeting) at 7.30pm at Lapley and Wheaton Aston Village Hall
Meeting closed 10.00pm