Please see poster for schedule of events. Get in touch if you have anything planned to advertise
If you would like to share feedback on last years event, raise a concern or find out more details then please attend the event and meet with Representatives
Please see the details affecting the WA post office on Long Street
As part of the coronation celebrations we plan to create a mosaic of painted rocks by the children of the parish and install it at WA Green. Please see the details of when your child can join us to paint their rock. Children at St Mary’s First Academy will paint theirs in school
Parish elections are due to be held on May 4th 2023, if you could make a difference in our parish then we need you!
The parish has been service by First Responders for many years now and can only continue if more volunteers are recruited. Could you help? If so please get in touch with David Leaper on [email protected]
If you have a concern regarding crime in the parish then please come along to the village hall between 6pm and 7pm on Thursday 26th Jan to raise your concern with one of our PCSO’s
Community Speedwatch (CSW) is a national initiative where, in partnership with the police, members of communities use detection devices to monitor local vehicle speeds. The volunteers report drivers exceeding the speed limit to the police with the aim of educating drivers to slow down. If the data proves a driver is ignoring repeated warnings police […]
ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 STAFFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL (IVETSEY ROAD, BELL HURST LANE AND LAPLEY ROAD, WHEATON ASTON) (40 MPH SPEED LIMIT) ORDER 20** Staffordshire County Council propose to make an Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, to impose a 40-mph speed limit on Ivetsey Road, Bell Hurst Lane and […]